Missing html editor

Missing html editor

de Rafal Zawierta -
Number of replies: 4

I'm using 1.9.7+ (after upgrade).
I have problem is missing and I cannot enable it.

site admin -> appearance -> HTML editor - Use HTML editor: YES
site admin -> appearance -> AJAX/Javascript - both enabled

But anywhere I go I see something like this:
How to fix it?

Browser is OK, on the same one I'm writing that post and HTML editor is ok.


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In reply to Rafal Zawierta

Re: Missing html editor

de Przemyslaw Stencel -
Is the editor enabled in your user profile?
In reply to Przemyslaw Stencel

Re: Missing html editor

de Vo1 Voloshko -
Hi people!
Please, help.
I'm using Modlle 1.9.8+.
Html editor is missing in all browsers!
In profile editor is enabled.
In 1.8.12 editor work, but there i can't insert smile, table or picture - opened blank page.
On this forum editor working!
PS: sorry for my english Улыбка
In reply to Vo1 Voloshko

Re: Missing html editor

de Vo1 Voloshko -
Problem was in old PHP version -5.2.6
I installed 5.2.13 and moodle 1.9 - all working good....I hope....Большая усмешка
In reply to Vo1 Voloshko

Re: Missing html editor

de charles Requena Palomino -
Im use PHP Version 5.2.13 and moodle 1.98. the problem don't fix, please, how I can enable the tinymce editor please is urgent Im from peru, but not there much information of this problem my email is rcharles84@gmail.com thank