cvs works but old version of workshop not upgraded

cvs works but old version of workshop not upgraded

por Jim Proctor -
Número de respostas: 1
I'm trying to diagnose a Workshop bug on a Moodle installation, and found out from my admin that, even though he recently upgraded to 1.4.1+, the version of Workshop (and other modules too) is old: 2004060400, as compared to the most recent Workshop version Ray Kingdon has posted, 2004092700. (This info comes from Admin > Configuration > Modules.)

So I ran CVS on a completely separate installation of Moodle I administer, and noted that, even though I'm now up to "1.4.2 nearly," the workshop module indeed remains at 2004060400. (This is true with many other modules: lots are at 2004060400.) Are the latest stable versions of many modules actually that old?

I did my first CVS install sometime mid-Aug 2004, and run upgrades in ssh with "cvs update -dP" as given in your Download page instructions. Everything on that end seems to work fine when I connect to the Admin page and run through the necessary routines, but do I need to CVS separately to e.g. the Workshop module to upgrade it?? I thought that was the very beauty of CVS, i.e. that you can upgrade to the latest stable versions of everything at once.

Thanks for your help --

Jim P.
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Em resposta à Jim Proctor

Re: cvs works but old version of workshop not upgraded

por Gustav W Delius -

You are probably using the MOODLE_14_STABLE branch of CVS. This holds the code for the latest 1.4.x release. The feature set for Moodle 1.4.x was essentially frozen when Moodle 1.4 was released. The 1.4.x releases are just maintenance releases of Moodle 1.4. New features go into Moodle 1.5. That is why you won't find the new workshop module in Moodle 1.4.x, especially because the features have changed quite dramatically.

You can switch your workshop subdirectory of the mod directory to the HEAD branch. Then CVS will update to the new version of the workshop module. However I am not sure if the new workshop works with Moodle 1.4. You could post that question over in the workshop module forum.