Tweak to Grade Export UI

Tweak to Grade Export UI

di Rory McDaniel -
Numero di risposte: 6
How can I change the UI of the Grade Export (specifically, the text format) so that either -

all assignments are not checked by default


the select all/none and submit button are at the top as well as at the bottom of the page

or both?

I'm comfortable editing the php if necessary, but I'm having a very hard time finding where to make the edits.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
In riposta a Rory McDaniel

Re: Tweak to Grade Export UI

di Rory McDaniel -
Is there a different form in which I should post this question?
In riposta a Rory McDaniel

Re: Tweak to Grade Export UI

di Zachary Johnson -
I have nothing to add other than I know I'd like the same information. Sorry.
In riposta a Zachary Johnson

Re: Tweak to Grade Export UI

di Rory McDaniel -
Early on this Saturday morning, while waiting to see if my infant daughter would remain asleep after waking up much earlier than usual, I decided I'd use my time wisely and try to fix this little problem.

The file that needles to be modified is

Near the bottom of the form is this snippet of code:

$this->add_checkbox_controller(1, null, null, 1); // 1st argument is group name, 2nd is link text, 3rd is attributes and 4th is original value

I copied that line and pasted it near the top. I suggest looking for this section and pasting it immediately after:

if (!empty($features['includeseparator'])) {
$radio = array();
$radio[] = &MoodleQuickForm::createElement('radio', 'separator', null, get_string('septab', 'grades'), 'tab');
$radio[] = &MoodleQuickForm::createElement('radio', 'separator', null, get_string('sepcomma', 'grades'), 'comma');
$mform->addGroup($radio, 'separator', get_string('separator', 'grades'), ' ', false);
$mform->setDefault('separator', 'comma');

Now I have the select all/none link at the top and bottom of a very long list. This is useful since I generally only export one assignment at a time.

Hope this is of help to someone.

In riposta a Rory McDaniel

Re: Tweak to Grade Export UI

di Andrew Davis -
Hi Rory. Would you mind raising this issue in tracker?
Attach a patch if possible (or just paste in your fix as its fairly straight forward).
In riposta a Andrew Davis

Re: Tweak to Grade Export UI

di Rory McDaniel -
Wow, sorry I didn't see that way back in March. For some reason I unsubscribed to the topic after I posted. I searched for it today to find how I added that button since I lost it when I moved to a new server.

I'll go ahead and raise that on the tracker.

I also figured out how to change the default value to unchecked, if it is helpful to anyone.

Find this section of code in moodle/grade/export/grade_export_form.php

 // Grab the grade_seq for this course
        $gseq = new grade_seq($COURSE->id, $switch);

        if ($grade_items = $gseq->items) {
            $needs_multiselect = false;
            foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
                if (!empty($features['idnumberrequired']) and empty($grade_item->idnumber)) {
                    $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'itemids['.$grade_item->id.']', $grade_item->get_name(), get_string('noidnumber', 'grades'));
                } else {
                    $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'itemids['.$grade_item->id.']', $grade_item->get_name(), null, array('group' => 1));
                    $mform->setDefault('itemids['.$grade_item->id.']', 2);
                    $needs_multiselect = true;

Within that section of code change this:
$mform->setDefault('itemids['.$grade_item->id.']', 1);

To this:
$mform->setDefault('itemids['.$grade_item->id.']', 2);

Now all boxes are unchecked by default.