Switching between "Sum of grades" and "Weighted mean of grades", and $aggregationcoef

Switching between "Sum of grades" and "Weighted mean of grades", and $aggregationcoef

by Wen Hao Chuang -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 2
Dear Tim, Nicolas, and other Gradebook gurus, how are you doing?

Just want to say that I have done my research around this area in Moodle bug tracker (and forum) before I post this. If I missed out some information please let me know, thanks!

I have look at issues such as MDL-19407 and so on. As Nicolas pointed out in 19407, "This is another problem associated with the field "aggregationcoef" meaning different things under different aggregation strategies. In "Weighted mean of grades," it is the coefficient of the grade (1 by default), whereas in SWM (Sum of grades) it is a boolean (0 = not extra credit, 1 = extra credit). Now, here is a scenario. Here at SFSU we only use two aggregations: (1) Sum of grades, and (2) Weighted mean of grades. The default is "Sum of grades." Now you could see that by default, the aggregation is "Sum of grades", and the "Extra Credit" checkbox is unchecked (the $aggregationcoef = 0." However, a user could easily use the Aggregation pull-down menu to change the "Sum of grades" to "Weighted mean of grades," which then he/she will find that the "Weight" by default is set to 0.0 (because of the $aggregationcoef=0). Let's say that the instructor then changed the "Weight" from 0.0 to 1.0 (or other non-zero values). Then later at some point, if the instructor changed his/her mind and decided to change back to "Sum of grades", then he/she will find that all non-zero weight gradable items now become "Extra Credit" assignments.

I think this issue still need to be addressed. I have started to implement a confirmation box so that whenever you switch back and forth between these two aggregation types, the system will prompt you to make sure that you really want to switch to another aggregation type, and by confirming the switch, the new codes will also reset the $aggregationcoef (either from 1 -> 0 or from 0 -> 1, depends on the new aggregation type).

Thoughts of comments of this solution? Is there other better ideas to resolve this issue, and should I maybe create a tracker ticket for this? Thanks!

Wen Hao Chuang ထံသို့ အကြောင်းပြန်ရာတွင်

Re: Switching between "Sum of grades" and "Weighted mean of grades", and $aggregationcoef

by Elena Ivanova -
We have fixed it locally to, so now for us:
if you switch to WM - everything is set at weight of 1
If you switch to SWM/SUM - everything is set at 0 (aka unchecked for extra credit)