Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Karin van den Berg -
Number of replies: 42
Hello to all,

Let me introduce myself: I am a university student in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Currently I am working on my graduation project, which has the subject of Open Source VLEs in higher education.

My university is currently using Blackboard. I have hear they are considering switching to open source when the license expires in the summer of 2005. I have heard they are researching Whiteboard, which I think is a horrible mistake given the comparison at edutools and the fact it hasn't been updated for over a year.

I am hoping that once my project gets going the results will be taken into consideration by the ICT department when looking for an alternative for BB. Moodle seems to be one of the best options to me at the moment.

My thesis will focus on comparing VLEs for the purpose of using it to support university education. The main question is whether open source VLEs can support the learning process on universities.

I am planning to set up a short survey to send to universities that have adopted an open source VLE.

I would love any feedback from the forum readers here, any input is welcome. I am hoping to write the thesis bilangually so I can produce an english version on the web for those contributing in some form or another (i.e. feedback, answering the survey, etc).

P.S. Apart from graduating student I am a freelance PHP programmer (hopefully fulltime after graduating), so I will be looking into this from a programmers point of view as well, and if I can find a suitable pilot case, perhaps program a small module for one of the open source VLEs I will be comparing in detail.
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In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Michael Penney -
Sounds like a great project, Karin. We're running several research projects at the CSU (California State University System) comparing Blackboard and WebCT to Moodle. These projects involve faculty and instructional designers teaching and building courses in both Moodle and one of the other systems, so their data (to be presented at the CATS (CSU Academic Technology Staff) conference in March) may be of some interest to your project?

We've also two teams developing Moodle modules and components as part of this project.

Anyway, the results should be published at the CATS website after the conference, and the research team is most interested in working with other Faculty, IDs and Tech staff researching this issue.

In reply to Michael Penney

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Karin van den Berg -
Thank you for your reply, Michael.

Unfortunately March would be a bit late for me, I hope to be rounding off my thesis by then, but I'd certainly be willing to get involved in the meanwhile somehow. My graduation advisor is very interested in the subject himself, and is also working on getting involved with a similar research project with SURF, a dutch organisation that is involved in pretty much everything that combines education and ICT. See

I'd love to hear what type of moodle modules you are developing.
In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Michael Penney -
Hi Karin, regarding modules, we've developed major changes to the lesson module to make it something of a Multimedia Learning Object creation app. (inspired by Richard Mayer's research in this area), this will become part of the moodle 1.5 standard install.

We've also developed a navigation block, a time/date course programming block, and an advanced gradebook.

You can check them out here.

The Lesson rewrite was for a specific client, the rest were all built after surveying faculty regarding what new features they would need to have in Moodle to consider switching from our commercial LMS.

In reply to Michael Penney

Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Ken Spell -
Hello Michael;

Thank you for elaborating on the types of interventions you use at Humboldt for helping instructors migrate to Moodle. While your response exceeds the scope of our needs assessment report, the types of interventions will help with wording our recommendation, as in "such as...." Thank you.

When I read your reply to Karin (above), I had to ask, is this new lesson module for Moodle 1.5 anything related to creating a SCORM package. Because my literacy is limited, let me explain my inquiry. I understand that SCORM compliant packages (zip files?) are created in other programs, and that Moodle, specifically the SCORM module, is merely a player, or functions as a player. If my perception of these features is correct, then is the new lesson module, as "something of a Multimedia Learning Object creation app.," a Moodle compatible version of the outside applications for creating SCORM compliant sets of files?
In reply to Ken Spell

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Michael Penney -

Hi Ken, regarding lesson, SCORM export is not part of our immediate plans, but it certainly could be done & was even suggested by Martin a while back.

Is SCORM a big concern at your campus? Here I doubt there are many outside of the tech staff who have heard of it & since we basically do our projects in response to faculty requests, it may be a while before we ourselves try adding scorm export to lesson. We'd certainly be happy to work with anyone who wants to though, and Mark has extensivly commented the code, so it should be pretty easy to work with.

AFAIK, you can't export Blackboard components to Scorm either or is that a capability of Enterprise (which we don't have)? We also haven't been able to get supposedly SCORM compliant modules to work in BB 6.1 (basic), but we just tried a few to demo it, as so far none of our faculty have made it a priority.

In reply to Michael Penney

Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Ken Spell -
According ot our data collection thus far, SORM files are not of interest to our faculty. However, I (personally like the SCORM features, being able to switch content within a learning environment. I learned enough to know that SCORM files are produced in applications outside of Moodle. As such, I have begun to assume that the SCORM module within Moodle is merely a SCORM compliant player application.

Heard about problems in Moodle; heard about how Moodle had problems playing SCORM files created in other applications. Then when I received your reply to Karen, (e.g. "Hi Karin, regarding modules, we've developed major changes to the lesson module to make it something of a Multimedia Learning Object creation app.," it sounded as if a multimedia learning object creation application might be a Moodle version for creating SCORM compliant zip files specifically for Moodle.

As for people interested in working on a SCORM export, I'll be glad to run that by Jason Cole, your counterpart and my client here at SFSU. He would know if anyone in his tech staff would be interested. Shame he doesn't participate in thses threaded discussion forums. Glad you and others like you do. Personally, I have other commitments. Next semester I begin my field study in order to graduate. Besides, I doubt I have the skills necessary (BA in technical writing, and MA candidate in instructional technology).

Warm regards,

Ken Spell
In reply to Michael Penney

Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Ken Spell -
Just met with Jason Cole, your counterpart at SFSU. He feels the same: few faculty have any interest in SCORM packages.
In reply to Ken Spell

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Harsh Suri -

Hi Michael, Patrick, Ken and Kerin,

 I am comparing students and staff responses to Blackboard, Moodle and Sakai at our university.  I will be grateful if you could send me citable/uncitable reports written by you and your colleagues on this topic. My email ID is:

In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Patrick Horgan -

Hi Karin,

I am just completing a thesis that investigates the adoption of open source e-learning tools in educational organisations.

The thesis investigates if open source solutions can overcome many problems associated with adopting proprietary systems like WebCT/Blackboard and also explains why education organisations have adopted open source solutions over proprietary ones.

If you would like a copy of this thesis on completion, please let me know!

I have found this a very interesting area to research and believe that your thesis should produce some interesting findings - I wish you the very best of luck with it wink


In reply to Patrick Horgan

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Luis Javier López Reyes -
Hola Patrick.

Leyendo tu mensaje dirigido a Karin, me doy cuenta que el proyecto de investigaciòn que quiero trabajar para el año pròximo, esta muy relacionado con lo que estas tù trabajando en este momento.

Te agradecerìa, me puedas enviar una copia del documento que estas realizando. Me serviria como referencia.

Luis Javier.
In reply to Luis Javier López Reyes

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by W Page -
Attempted Translation of Luis Javier López Reyes post above:   
Hi Patrick!
Reading your message to Karin, I realize it is related to a project I am investigating and working on next year. is the project I want to investigate next year. 
I would appreciate you sending me a copy of the document you are working on.  It would serve as a reference for me.
Luis Javier
In reply to Patrick Horgan

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Karin van den Berg -
That would be excellent Patrick thank you very much!

I have now decided to write my thesis in English so that all of the people that can in some way contribute to my work can receive a copy once it's done. So if you'd be interested to receive my thesis once it's done, that's no problem.

If you could email me your thesis at moodle <at> karinvandenberg <dot> nl that would be terrific.
In reply to Patrick Horgan

Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Ken Spell -

I just became familiar with LMSs and Moodle this semester, while working on a project, a Needs Assessment to consider having SFSU instructors migrate from Blackboard to Moodle.

My report will focus on the following recommendations: training workshops, job aids, tech support, editing, and last but not least, motivation (some instructors who have learned Blackboard seem resistant to change). Although my report doesn't go beyond recommending types of interventions, I would be interested in what you have to say about motivating instructor interest--well, beyond the typical topics of open source, modular add ons, cost.

I'd very much like to look over your thesis.
In reply to Ken Spell

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Patrick Horgan -

Luis & Ken,

Please excuse me Luis but I do not speak Spanish at all but I think you have conveyed that my thesis is of interest to you and you consequently would like a copy of it?

That's no problem at all. However, I'm still in the process of writing a second draft after receiving some feedback from my academic supervisors. I intend the thesis to be ready for submission by mid December and will send you a copy upon completion. Pls leave your email address.



In reply to Patrick Horgan

Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Ken Spell -
Mine is:

Thanx Pat

In reply to Patrick Horgan

ตอบ: Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Ekapong M -

Hi Karin/Patrick, I would appreciate if you could send me a copy of your thesis. Thanks, Ekapong(pong2517 at gmail dot com)

In reply to Patrick Horgan

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Tony Hursh -
Patrick, I'd also like to see your thesis (Karin's, too). If you don't mind, please send me a copy when it's complete.

In reply to Tony Hursh

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Karin van den Berg -

I have no problem in sending you my thesis once it's completed. It won't be till about april however but I'll note your email address and will send it to you in time.
In reply to Patrick Horgan

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Owais Ahmed -


I would appreciate if you could send me a copy of your thesis.




In reply to Patrick Horgan

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Aaron Makara -

Hi there

I am doing MA nd my dissertation invessgstes the use of vles in higher learning, a copy of your thesis will provide the much needed assistance

Kind regards

In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Dawn Wright -

Karin, I'd also like to see your thesis (Patrick's, too). Would you please send me a copy when it's complete

FWIW, we at the United States Sports Academy ( began using Moodle for our continuing education and professional studies courses last May and will have approximately 50 CE courses online ( by April 05. We will likely be moving our new undergraduate program and our graduate programs from eCollege to Moodle next year and are preparing for that contingency now. We currently have approximately 120 courses/250+classes open now on eCollege where we have been since 2000.  We are a small school but we do have a very good PHP programmer who has done some great work getting our Moodle installation to seamlessly connect to our old Paradox-based student information system (we are currently upgrading the SIS to a MS SQL system).  Our experience making that connection and working with Moodles open source code to integrate it with our overall web development plan argues strongly in favor of our moving off eCollege's proprietary system.

Dawn Wright

In reply to Dawn Wright

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Karin van den Berg -
Thank you for that information Dawn. I'll make a list of email addresses to send my thesis to as soon as it's complete, which I hope will be somewhere in April. I don't expect it to be very groundbreaking but who knows smile. I am still hoping to gather some information on moodle usage by sending a small survey to academic institutions that are using it so if I could include you or someone there in that survey that would be great. 
In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Dawn Wright -


I'd be happy to participate.


In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Leonardo Lazarte -
Hi, Karin,

   We, at Universidade de Brasília, in Brazil, are beginning to use Moodle (second semester of use). Feel free to send me your survey if we could be of any help.

   llazarte at mat dot unb dot br

In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Karin van den Berg -

Hi all. Just to let everyone know who has shown interest in my thesis, I'm still around, but it's not done yet. Currently the setup is somewhat different from my original plan. The thesis focuses on Open Source selection and evaluation, listing those characteristics that make Open Source software unique and in that light, how to select and evaluate Open Source software. In the case study I perform the suggested selection and evaluation on Open Source Course Management Systems. So far I can tell you that Moodle is clearly coming out ahead. The top 5 is:


Moodle fulfills the profile of a good open source project as I've defined it very well. I am also holding a lunch seminar in two weeks for the department and the some of the IT staff here at the university. If possible I'll post the presentation here somewhere afterwards.

I hope to finish the work on my thesis in a month or so. When it's done, those that where interested will receive a PDF copy.

Best regards,

Karin van den Berg
Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Larry Davies -
Perhaps you can post your thesis here? approve

I'd read it through VERY quickly, as I'm trying to get my university to consider a huge savings by not using Blackboard.

The change resistance will be the toughest thing to overcome, I think.

In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Richard Wyles -

Hi Karen,

Although from last year we did undertake a major evaluation exercise for the NZOSVLE project which you may be interested in;

Evaluation of LMSs (pedagogy)

Evaluation of LMS (technical)



In reply to Richard Wyles

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Karin van den Berg -
Hi Richard,

Thanks, though I had actually already been to the webpage of that project and read the information. I will include some statements on the current use and 'buzz' on Moodle but since I'm using my own developed model to compare I will not be using other comparisons in my thesis (though I have taken in a lot of articles including other comparisons while developing the model).

If Martin is willing I could have my thesis added to the Moodle Buzz section when it's done.
In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)


Hi Karin,i m Chandru from Malaysia.May b u are not familiar with my country.Actually i m a 3rd year student of University of Malaya and i m suppose to do a thesis same like u.My thesis title is "Exploring moodle for the use of e-learning".I think my title have a connection with yours.I m sure by now you already finished your thesis.If  you don't mind can you send me a copy of your thesis for me to use it as reference.It would be grateful if you can help me and also with your details for me to put in the reference email address is 

I really hope u can help.Thanks.

In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by SARA sara -

Hi All,

I would like to receive a copy of all thesis done by all participants in this disscsion forum.

My email:

Many thanks


In reply to SARA sara

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Don Hinkelman -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers
Hi Sara,

Thank you for you intriguing post. Like you, I am interested in open source VLEs in universities.

In this moodle community, like any online or face-to-face community, there a certain customs and manners that are considered polite or expected before people will trust you with investing their time to answer such a good question, or send you their important works.
  • Tell us about yourself. Write a lot in your profile which gives your background and interests. For example, look at my profile by clicking on my name.
  • Trust us with your full name and your photo/avatar of identity. Most of us on Moodle like to use and share real names.
  • Explain your project more. Why are you collecting this information? How will you use it?
Thanks a lot for joining us,
Don smile

In reply to Don Hinkelman

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by SARA sara -


Thanx Mr. Don for your reply, i know main is very late

My Name is Sara Ahmed

And am master student in distance teaching and training program.

i am considering doing my thesis on the difference between WebCT and Moodle as we use the WebCt in the university.

i was thinking of conducting evaluation between the tow LMS, conceding the following:

1- Costs

2- easiness of use form learners, administrators, instructional designers view of point.

However, I have good background of programming language such as :VB, C++, html…but I took a couple of beginners courses of php.

 Appreciate your advice

In reply to SARA sara

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by molly davies -

Hi all,

i am also very much interested in this hot topic for my research. i am considering analysing the effectiveness of VLE as a medium to support learning. i am a masters student at Brunel university and i would really appreciate that the thesis already done are sent to me as well. this will provide a background for my research. Like we are all told,we learn from standing on the shoulders of giants. my email address is <font color="#3333cc"></font>  mollydavies20 at yahoo dot com

Best regards,


In reply to Karin van den Berg

إعادة: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by ash sho -

/  I would like if you could send me a copy of your thesis. Thanks,

mr ashry  from egypt

student master degree

cairo univ   educational tech 

In reply to Karin van den Berg

إعادة: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by ash sho -

/  I would like if you could send me a copy of your thesis. Thanks,

mr ashry  from egypt

student master degree

cairo univ   educational tech 

In reply to Karin van den Berg

Re: Open Source VLEs in higher education (Thesis)

by Jeric Bonde -

Hi! I am Jeric Bonde from Partido State University.I would also like to have a copy of your thesis for reference. My thesis is making VLE for our school. Any help would be apprecciated. Thanks.