Grading and Internet Explorer 8

Grading and Internet Explorer 8

Dixie Harrison發表於
Number of replies: 1

Moodle 1.9.7+ (Build: 20091230) on Redhat Linux Fedora 9, PHP 5.2.9, MySQL 5.0.77

Internet Explorer 8 on XP, Vista, Win 7

I have two instructors who click on grade to grade their assignments and after they have reached the 5th or 6th one, the little pop up window comes up blank.  It acts like a time out.

The problem doesn't appear to occur with Firefox 3.

Anyone else experience this?


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In reply to Dixie Harrison

Re: Grading and Internet Explorer 8

Michael de Raadt發表於
Hi Dixie,

I am not experiencing that, but I have had odd experiences where sections of text will not appear when an assignment related page is rendered in IE8. They are present, but don't appear until I scroll or click near them.

It's just such a shame so many people use IE.
