grade offset

grade offset

Rabee Elbes發表於
Number of replies: 6
How can I use offset?
I have moodle 1.9.5 and i have the quiz grades,
I want to add 2 points for all the students in this activity,
students has 12/15 will be 14/15 for example.

is this possible?
In reply to Rabee Elbes

Re: grade offset

Elena Ivanova發表於
Hi Rabee, you can just type 2 for offset in Categories and Items for that grade and save changes.
In reply to Elena Ivanova

Re: grade offset

Rabee Elbes發表於

Yes it will change in grade report but not in the original activity

In reply to Rabee Elbes

Re: grade offset

Elena Ivanova發表於

I cannot think of a workaround here. 傷心

If you do not have too many students you can probably pick one question in the quiz, and override student grades for that question manually, one-by-one.

Or, if you have some multiple choice question that is worth 2 points, you can edit that question and make all answers there  worth 100%. Then click Regrade. Everyone who answered wrong would be awarded 2 extra points, and then you will still need to manually override grades for those students who answered that question right.

I think this would  confuse the students though.

In reply to Elena Ivanova

Re: grade offset

Rabee Elbes發表於

sorry elena ,i have too many students in my courses,this will not be helpfull,

is there another way?

In reply to Rabee Elbes

Re: grade offset

Elena Ivanova發表於

I cannot think of anything else. I would just do that via the gradebook per my previous suggestion, and tell students why the grade had been adjusted.
You can also try checking at the Quiz forum.

In reply to Elena Ivanova

Re: grade offset

Barry Loewen發表於

I know I cannot manually change the quiz marks.  But I can enter an assignment called Quiz completion and use that to put in a zero if they have not done the quiz.  When they do the quiz, I delete the zero.  You could use this to add 2 to every mark (i.e. make the 12 a 14 on the 'assignment') and then set the weight to zero for that quiz.  It might work.