Approve student when view all topics in the course

Approve student when view all topics in the course

โดย Thales Cortez -
Number of replies: 1

I don't know if it's possible, but I would like that my students don't do tests!

They would be approved when they complete viewing all the topics in a course.

After viewing all the topics in a course the students would be able to print their certificates.

Is it possible?

===== pt-br ====

Preciso que os alunos sejam aprovados depois que terminarem de ver todos os tópicos de um curso, tem como?
In reply to Thales Cortez

Re: Approve student when view all topics in the course

โดย Marcus Hoberg -
New features in "moodle version 2" may help you in this. "Restricted availability" and "Activity completion" for example.

But may I ask this: What does the viewing time say? It is neither the "reading time" nor the "understanding rate", nor the "keeping in mind percentage", nor "compliance", nor nothing. It is just the "I opened this and clicked my way through it". We exactly take the oposite way: I don´t care about how much time people spend (= waste?) in reading. If they now it, show me. If not, give options to learn.
