Assignment resubmissions

Assignment resubmissions

Karen McClelland - ން
Number of replies: 3
Apologies have this point has been raised before.

Something quite obvious has been brought to my attention due to an impending visit by HMI (UK education inspectorate).

In the upload a single file assignment, students may be given the option to re-submit. Great - but the new submission overwrites the original one. This means that the teacher who failed the student's first attempt cannot actually show the student's original piece of work to substantiate the fail (unless they had saved a copy), should they be required to do so by any kind of external or internal verification/quality process.

I would be pleased to hear that I am wrong about this. If I am right I think it is something that should be considered.

Moodle 1.9.5
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In reply to Karen McClelland

Re: Assignment resubmissions

ben reynolds - ން

You have just made a powerful argument for using Advanced Uploading of Files with allow deleting set to "No."
In reply to ben reynolds

Re: Assignment resubmissions

Ammara Mahmood - ން

Is it possible to have resubmissions open in an "Online Text" assignment but still keep track of all previous posts?

Currently if the student wants to post a new assignment, they edit their original post.

It will be very useful to have the option of keep the trail of postings!

In reply to Ammara Mahmood

Re: Assignment resubmissions

Mary Cooch - ން
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I suppose as a workaround they could just copy their original post, draw a line above it, paste it again and edit it and then when they resend their original is at the bottom with their newly edited one on top?