Can't get external database unenrolment to work

Can't get external database unenrolment to work

wót Lorin Toews -
Anzahl Antworten: 0
I can't unenrol users who were enrolled by the external database plugin.

According to the docs and posts by other users, all I have to do is remove the database record that triggered the original enrolment. I've done that, and the user is still in the course.

I found the external database plugin setting "enrol_db_disableunenrol" and it is set to "no". (I tried setting it to "yes" just in case, but it made no difference.)

The only thing that I've had any success with is to change the user's role from student to guest by editing the contents of the external database field mapped to "enrol_db_remoterolefield". This changes the students role and blocks him from getting into the course (because the course is set to block guest access), but the course still shows up in the student's course list.

Any suggestions?