Pb after i creat a new dialogue

Pb after i creat a new dialogue

par ces moce,
Nombre de réponses : 1

I m using the today last version of dialogue module and when i create a new dialogue everything works fine except that i should be redirect in the course main page or the dialogue module main page but i m not.

I m just redirect to an empty page : mod/dialogue/dialogues.php

Is there a way to fixed this?
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En réponse à ces moce

Re: Pb after i creat a new dialogue

par Teresa Gibbison,
Hi Ces
After posting to the Dialogue you remain on that page so you are able to view the thread. This was coded this way as it reflects the action of posting to a forum, after posting to the forum thread the entire thread with your reply is displayed.
You could create a Moodle Tracker item in the Non-core contributed modules (CONTRIB) Tracker area, someone may code a patch for you to use.
I hope this helps