Post before reading

Post before reading

Enrique Castro - ން
Number of replies: 1
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ
    I would like to setup a forum in such a way that all students should post an initial message before they could read the messages from their class companions. Once all have posted their message, the public discussion may start.

Just to ensure as possible that they post they personal opinions at first, not building on or influenced by previous posts.
I am using a Diary coupled to a forum now, but I would like to avoid the copy-paste  phase to forum.

    I've been looking for an old thread that I remember as discussing how to do this, but without success. Is it possible or I've dreamed it?

- Enrique Castro -
Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Enrique Castro

Re: Post before reading

N Hansen - ން
Perhaps you are thinking of the New Assignment module? Students have to upload their assignment, after which they may read their fellow students' assignments. But that is something different, but still it is a similar idea and perhaps there is some code in there that could be used to create what you want in a forum.