Giving students permission to post discussions

Giving students permission to post discussions

von Tony Bleything -
Anzahl Antworten: 1
I am trying to set up forums for the students to add discussions in and no matter what I do this error comes up:

You do not have permission to add a new discussion topic for all participants.

I have had the permissions changed to allow students to start new discussions, I have applied the role of student across the system, and I have assigned the role as student to just the classes. I have tried to set up the forum as a simple forum, a standard general forum, and require each student to post one discussion. In the latter case, the student can reply to a discussion I start but they still the above comment when trying to post their own discussion. No matter what the option is, I get the same error.

(Edited by Helen Foster to remove the MS Word formatting - original submission Tuesday, 29 September 2009, 22:16)

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