HTML editor for headings

HTML editor for headings

- Josep M. Fontana の投稿
返信数: 7
I don't know whether I am asking for the moon or whether I have in mind
is technically impossible or absurd. But wouldn't it be nice and convenient to be able to edit the subject headers to change color, font, size, etc. with a GUI editor as well? I know many people build very complex web pages just hand coding, but why not add the functions of the HTML editor to the headers as well? I'm able to add any changes I wish by introducing the appropriate HTML codes manually but since I'm not really used to hand code it is a bit of a pain.

Janne, is this something that is part of your future projects? Am I showing my ignorance about this area by asking for something that is not technically possible? Is this something that too few people have problems with that it shouldn't be a priority in the development of Moodle?

Anyway, thanks for the excellent editor that is already in place and that keeps getting better and better all the time.

Josep M.

Josep M. Fontana への返信

Re: HTML editor for headings

- Janne Mikkonen の投稿
Thanks for your kind words Josep 満面の笑顔

Actually it's not technically impossible. The subject text field must be replaced with textarea and then the editor can be used on it. But there's more cons than pros in this.

Let's think about this, it's not very nice when some one inserts a relatively large picture in the subject field of a discussion, or table or text with very large font.

So I'm not very keen on this idea and it's not in my to-do list.

Janne Mikkonen への返信

Re: HTML editor for headings

- Josep M. Fontana の投稿
Mmm. You are right, things CAN get easily screwed up.
But, on the other hand (I'll get a bit philosophical here wink), one can ask the following question: is it better to give freedom to the people even if they are going to misuse it or just be safe by curtailing freedom even if those who were going to use it for "good" purposes are also going to pay the consequences? smile

Actually, I don't have a clear answer for that question. I have a small child and believe me! I do curtail his freedom quite a bit to prevent him from getting hurt.

I take advantage that I'm talking to the HTML editor guru to ask you a couple of questions. If they are answered elsewhere, just point me out to the URL. The first is related to the issue of formatting in heading fields. Is there any way to build some sort of CSS style sheet that made it easy to give a particular format to a specific type of heading? The default font-size for names of courses, names of resources, etc. is too small for my taste and it can be very time consuming to add the desired format to all those headings. A CSS type solution would be ideal. Is this possible?

The second question concerns the annoying problem of the 'cut and paste' in Firefox. I had solved the problems by following the instructions and creating the user.js file with the appropriate lines. However, I have had to change computers and I installed the latest version of Firefox for windows. The problem is that now I cannot 'cut and paste' anymore eventhough I have created again the right user.js file. I've made one copy in the following directories:

c:\Documents and Settins\Josep M\Program Data\Mozilla\Profiles\default\jb02itls.slt.

C:\....same path...\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\s137s5oy.default

But to no avail. The 'cut and paste' function still doesn't work. Am I copying the user.js in the wrong folders? That's where I found other files with the .js
extension and other configuration files in general. What could I be doing wrong? In the previous version of Mozilla there was a plugin called ChromeEdit that made this very easy because you could edit the user.js file on the fly and it was saved in the appropriate place. But this plugin doesn't work with the latest version of Firefox and now I'm having this problem I mention. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Josep M.
Josep M. Fontana への返信

Re: HTML editor for headings

- N Hansen の投稿
Check out this thread
We're trying to figure out this cut and paste problem there, no luck yet, but at least that is where the topic is being discussed right now.
N Hansen への返信

Re: HTML editor for headings

- Josep M. Fontana の投稿
Thanks N. I thought I was the only one with this problem.

Josep M.
Josep M. Fontana への返信

Re: HTML editor for headings

- Janne Mikkonen の投稿
As I can see there has been a really wonderful collaboration to solve your second problem 満面の笑顔

The answer to your fist question is:
Yes, there is a css stylesheet that you can use to format your heading fields. You can find them under the /moodle/theme/<themename> folder.
There are two files config.php and style.php. Config.php includes the basic values and style.php is the main stylesheet for your theme.

I also suggest that you install webdeveloper extension in to your FireFox browser, it'll help you.

- Janne -