Export to Excel - user profile fields

Export to Excel - user profile fields

Alison Wright -
Atsakymų skaičius: 1


I am using Moodle 1.9.  We have a custom user profile field set up to capture organisation name (we didn't use institution becuase we needed a drop down box).

I need to download grades from the gradebook to excel - which is nice and straightforward.  However, I would like it to include the custom user profile field 'organiation' that we have set up. 

I don't have access to the SQL databases to change anything.  Can anyone help?



Atsakymas į Alison Wright

Re: Export to Excel - user profile fields

paul walker -
Sadly, I think this can only be done my manipulating the relevent php files and querying the database. I too am attempting this at the moment but there seems to be little in the way of solution but quite a large number of folk requiring this