Mac OS9 - Chat only works with OPERA web browser

chatd and Mac OS9 browser quirks

John Papaioannou -
Кількість відповідей: 0

We have tried to make chatd as aware as possible of the different browsers' "personalities" and to compensate for them.

Your findings intrigued me on two points:

  1. various problems: nothing seen

    Chatd tries to identify the user's browser and feed extra invisible data if required to force a screen update. This in fact is already in place for Safari (which I happily hear didn't give you any problems). If you can post the user agent identification string for those browsers who don't display anything, we can fix that too.
  2. 6 notes posted each time you hit enter

    This again has to do with specific browsers (Safari was the most aggravating of all, surprisingly IE 6/Win had an almost-perfect behavior here). After studying the problem for quite some time, I put a mechanism in place to prevent this form happening, which I can't possibly imagine failing.wide eyes Which browser did that?
