basic classes to import/restore into moodle...

basic classes to import/restore into moodle...

av Garren Shannon -
Antal svar: 2

Hey all,

I don't want to reinvent the wheel so I am looking for a site that shares courses created for use in moodle that we can download, modify and use.

Is there such a site?

Thanks for any help you can offer.


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Som svar till Garren Shannon

Re: basic classes to import/restore into moodle...

av Mark Guy -


I have uploaded 8 science moodles to this moodle, you will need to create an account. Other moodle sharing sites are around including on

(PTNC is the Physics teachers news and comment group based around institute of physics members)

I have also get some language hot pots that I can share, I will email you the lot if you can use them.
