Custom Scales - Numeric

Re: Custom Scales - Numeric

by Teresa Gibbison -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 0

While I don't have a direct answer to help you hack so 100 can be changed to 200 or 300, I agree with Elena that you can create a scale and check the "Include Scales in aggregation" checkbox (via Administration ► Grades ► General settings).

I would also caution that you are careful to ensure the scale is entered the correct way, from the least (zero) to the most (200 or 300), to ensure the aggregation is calculated correctly. Moodle will convert the score received to a percent before calculating the aggregation and if you enter the scale backwards (eg 200 to 0) it will be wrong!

To work around the extra long dropbox, you can advise your faculty to enter the grade directly into the gradebook - instead of a dropdown you get a text box to type the figure (
I hope this helps