Not able to post grade if assignment is locked

Not able to post grade if assignment is locked

von Dawn Quinn -
Anzahl Antworten: 2
I want to know if this feature is working as designed:

1. Create assignment.
2. Lock assignment.
3. Assignment not available after lock date.
4. Grade assignments as they are submitted, (some before lock date).
5. Must unlock assignment setting to post grades to grade book.

The teacher wants the student to see their grades as soon as it's graded. However, she wants the assignment locked automatically when the due date is indicated.

When I unlocked an assignment, all 10 grades were posted.

This is a logic issue; I don't think we are thinking correctly on this issue.

Help if you will.
Als Antwort auf Dawn Quinn

Re: Not able to post grade if assignment is locked

von Elena Ivanova -
Hi Dawn, just to clarify do you use Assignment tool to collect student work?
Since students can see grades both in Assignment tool and Gradebook.
Als Antwort auf Dawn Quinn

Re: Not able to post grade if assignment is locked

von Teresa Gibbison -
Hi Dawn
Locking the item in the gradebook prevents grades from being pushed from the assignment to the gradebook.

Do you need the assignment 'locked' as in the students can't submit after the due date? If so you should alter the "Prevent late submissions" within the assignment settings to "YES". This takes the upload or edit functions away after the date so the student cannot submit.

You say the teacher is happy for the students to view their grade as soon as it's graded so don't worry about hiding or locking within the gradebook.
I hope this helps, let me know if I haven't understood lächelnd