Changing Group Membership - using flat file / ims / db plugins

Changing Group Membership - using flat file / ims / db plugins

por lukas berk -
Número de respostas: 0

Im currently using the flat file plugin to upload and remove students from courses / groups in Moodle 1.9. This is done each morning to reflect enrolment changes in our callista student database.

Now this is great for adding students into courses / groups, and is great for removing students from courses. But this doesn't seem to allow me to remove a student from a group. So if a student needs to switch groups within a course, I can add them to the new group, but can't remove them from the old group. So they currenly end up in both groups!

Do any of the enrollment plugins allow removal from groups???? Flat file doesn't, Just been looking over the IMS doco and it doesn't seem to allow this either. Was hoping not to use the db plugin, can't find any forum posts about dealing with this either.

Has anyone dealt with this before?? Any ideas, suggestions would be greatly appretiated,


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