YUI Block

YUI Block

David Mark Weiss -
Vastausten määrä: 6
I am new to Moodle. Downloaded the YUI block. I put the zip file into the Blocks folder. I unzipped it there. I went to the notifications link in the admin menu. The YUI block was there. I clicked on some button there and thought it got installed. When I go back to the Notifications menu item, there are no further notifications.

However, when I go to manage blocks. That item doesn't show up.

I have restarted the server again and again, but still no joy.

the instructions talk about going to a class file and adding some text, but I have looked for an class files and can't find them in the moodle19 folder.

What step am I missing?

thank for your help.

Mark Weiss
Arviointien keskiarvo: -
Vastaus David Mark Weiss

Re: YUI Block

Jenny Gray -
It sounds as if the block didnt get installed properly. You should have a blocks/yui folder - I'm wondering if by unzipping the file inside blocks folder you might have created blocks/blocks/yui which won't work.

Once you've got the code in the right place, go to the notifications menu and you should see some messages onscreen to show you that the block has been installed. It will then appear in the manage blocks screen.

The instructions you're talking about refer to creating your own block. You may find these instructions helpful http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_contributed_modules_or_plugins
Vastaus Jenny Gray

Re: YUI Block

David Mark Weiss -
Thanks you so much for the reply. OK, It may have installed improperly. So how do I uninstall it? Because I have taken the folder out of the Blocks folder and put it back in again. Either way, the YUI menu doesn't show up in blocks administration.

Also, I don't know if this makes a difference, but the folder name actually is yui_menu. I wouldn't think that makes much difference, but just in case.

So I am still at a point, where when I list available blocks, adding this new folder doesn't work.

I tried to trick Moodle, by renaming the folder to just yui to see if notifications would offer me another chance to install but no joy.


Vastaus David Mark Weiss

Re: YUI Block

David Mark Weiss -
I tried one other thing. I deleted the directories in the lib folder, then reloaded the manage blocks and I got a list of incompatible blocks. If was YUI. So it gave me the option to delete and I did. Then I loaded the block folder yui_menu back into the blocks folder and went to notification. It showed yui_menu again. So I "installed" it again. But when I went back to manage blocks list, it still isn't showing up as "yui_menu" which is what I expect it will be.

Moodle 1.9.4.

Something is not quite right obviously.


Vastaus David Mark Weiss

Re: YUI Block

Alan Trick -

I think I know what's happened. The name that the YUI menu uses is actually “Course Menu.” It's like that for historical reasons, and because that's the block's title when it shows up in the course page. I should probably change it to “YUI menu.” I can see how that might be confusing.

The instructions (I assume you're refering to README.txt) say:

Go into a class and add the “Course Menu” block

That means, go on a course page (on your Moodle website), and you should be able to find “Course Menu” under the Add Block drop-down.

Does that help?

Vastaus Alan Trick

Re: YUI Block

David Mark Weiss -
You are so great to catch that. I just figured that out about 15 minutes ago. I added the course menu block. What I was expecting however, was not what I got.

What I was expecting was like a
- Course item
Sub Item
Sub item
-Course Item
Sub item
Sub item
Sub item
+Course Item
+Course item

This kind of thing.
One option we are looking at is wanting to get the course put together, And then for every course item have a page, with a menu on the left. When you click on a menu item, on the right, it brings up that activity. Of course, I realized that wouldn't be dynamic. So then I thought about blocks and having a block on the left like above and then have it navigate to the activitie for the day, one at a time, to the right.

As you know better than I do, since I am a newby, often when you create a link, either to a moodle activity or to a web-resource, you either open it in the same frame, or in a new window. Either way, it takes the navigation / Navbar away.

So I was hoping that YUI would be a possible solution. I can't believe I am the first person to want this kind of functionality. So if you can point me in that direction, I would sure appreciate it.

Thanks for responding already.


Vastaus David Mark Weiss

Re: YUI Block

Alan Trick -

Well first, the outline is turned off by default. I think I will change that in a future release, but that's the way it happens to be now. You can enable it by editing the block configuration.

When that's done, you'll get a list like:

+ Section 1
- Section 2
  * Some activity module
  * Another activity module

Is that what you're looking for?