CVS Sanity check

CVS Sanity check

por Howard Miller -
Número de respuestas: 6
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What's the correct CVS command for commiting a change to the current 1.4 branch. Thought I'd better check before I screwed it up. I'll get good at this CVS stuff eventually sonrisota
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En respuesta a Howard Miller

Re: CVS Sanity check

por Gustav W Delius -
Hi Howard, there is a good explanation at There is no special command for commiting to a particular branch. Rather you switch your copy to that branch and then commit as usual.
En respuesta a Gustav W Delius

Re: CVS Sanity check

por koen roggemans -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Documentation writers Imagen de Moodle HQ Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Translators
Phoe, I understand the document cvs.html very well, I think, but using tortoiseCVS I find the branches very untransparent. I think there's no way  you can see wich branch you're working with and comitting too, unless you delete your checkout and checkout again with the branch you want..
Is this correct or have I missed something here ?
En respuesta a koen roggemans

Re: CVS Sanity check

por Gustav W Delius -

I don't know what version of window you have, but on mine it is easy to see what branch a file is from. If in your Windows file explorer you use the "Details" view then you will see a few columns like Name, Size, Type, Date Modified, etc. Well, if you right click on the bar that contains all these headings you can choose a few more, among them "CVS Sticky Tag". If that column says MOODLE_14_STABLE then you are on the stable branch. If it says - then you are on HEAD.

To change from one branch to another you use "Update Special" from the CVS submenu on your right-click menu and then choose the branch on the dialog window that comes up.

I hope this helps. I am not very good at explaining things.

Anexo cvs.gif