A simple question but I'm going round and round

Re: A simple question but I'm going round and round

eftir Dale Jones -
Number of replies: 0
As an aside, if you're still deciding on your cms I should consider postnuke over mambo as login authentication can be passed from postnuke to moodle, meaning that only one login is required. Another benefit of this is that you can administer your users from postnuke alone rather than having to do it again in moodle. The pnMoodle module from here is very useful indeed and we've used it at Mary Webb School for ages.

I don't know of an equivalent for mambo, but then I don't know a great deal about mambo.

Oh yeah, and looking at your config file it seems that the moodledata folder is still inside public_html.  Bad Idea.  Move it to /home/misterp/moodledata (create the folder manually if you need to), set the permissions correctly and make the correct entry in config.php.

HTH in some way.
Dale Jones