username & password to access the database 'moodle'

username & password to access the database 'moodle'

- Abtet M. の投稿
返信数: 2
My name is abtet and am trying to install moodle 1.9 in the virtual server. I've download moodle and could run it to install in the server. however, my problem is in creating the username and password to access the database moodle.

I want to use this command;
 -> DROP,INDEX,ALTER ON moodle.*
 -> TO moodleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';

but am not sure of the line 3 statement. Let say my username is abtet and the server that i have is Do i have to change the moodleuser@localhost to my username@the servername( or just leave it as it is (moodleuser@localhost)?

To be more specific my problem here is to create a password for username abtet to access the server (

could anyone advice?

thanks very much
Abtet M. への返信

Re: username & password to access the database 'moodle'

- Peter Bloomfield の投稿
Replace "moodleuser" with whatever username you want to create for the database, but probably leave "localhost" as it is. (Most servers will block any attempts to connect to your database from other systems, so only "localhost" will work).