Creating courses based on pre-existing courses.

Creating courses based on pre-existing courses.

by Penny Leach -
Number of replies: 2
We have a need to be able to create new courses in moodle that have very similar content to previous courses. 

I was thinking that we could use the base libraries for backup/restore for this and just write a new ui that allows a teacher to find course content from a previous course (maybe one that has a similar name (BLAH-101-67598 vs BLAH-101-67599) or a course that the teacher has previously taught or whatever, and then they can select elements to import (similar to selecting elements to backup).

Except that they would need more control - so for example, rather than just saying "yes, I want to choose lessons" they'd need to be able to pick which ones.

The ui differences aren't really that major, at the moment it's a two step process and this will not be - once they've selected the data they want they don't then need to review it, it just all gets imported, so that would need to be seamless, and we need to add the ability to find the course to get it from.  So it doesn't seem like _too_ much to do.

Has anyone done anything like this before or is interested in it?

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In reply to Penny Leach

Re: Creating courses based on pre-existing courses.

by Martin Dougiamas -
Piksa bilong Core developers Piksa bilong Documentation writers Piksa bilong Moodle HQ Piksa bilong Particularly helpful Moodlers Piksa bilong Plugin developers Piksa bilong Testers
There are two discussions related to this that you should join in on .. in particular you should speak with Eloy Lafuente as he has some plans already about this.

Modify backup to allow selection of activities