Show us a Moodle course you love.
We’d love to see great examples of well-designed courses (not just good-looking courses).

Post a screenshot  or a gif and fill in the fields in the form explaining:

  • the course subject

  • the course mode (online, hybrid, other)

  • the methodology (asynchronous/with synchronous elements)

  • the facilitation level (self-paced/facilitated/monitored)

  • the audience

  • the learning goal

  • what design approaches or principles you used (if you are the course designer) 

  • what works well for your participants

  • how the participants are engaged in the course

  • what, if anything, would you like to improve about the course?

  • what Moodle course format is used (if you know it),

  • what the Moodle version is (if you know it),

  • provide the site URL (for judges only - it doesn't need to be accessed but we need this to check it's a Moodle registered site)

    Thank you!