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Tom Murdock

Tom Murdock

Tom Murdock


by Tom Murdock - Saturday, 4 October 2003, 6:50 AM
A symptom or psychoses prompted by too much Moodling. Oodle-Moodle often manifests itself in relationships that have been stunted while Moodling. Husbands, wives, and children may ask an oodled soul to "step away from the machine" and to communicate once again with hand gestures and verbal cues rather than emoticons.

Might be contagious.


Tim Hunt


Moodle Docs

by Tim Hunt - Monday, 5 December 2011, 10:25 PM
Moodle Docs is the Moodle Documentation wiki, where the Moodle community documents Moodle. There are separate wikis for each version of Moodle.

Tabitha - Cave, Stewart Island, NZ

Tabitha Parker (was Roder)

Tabitha - Cave, Stewart Island, NZ


by Tabitha Parker (was Roder) - Friday, 12 September 2008, 6:37 PM
In My Opinion... sometimes... IMHO - In My Humble Opinion