Moodle in English

المناقشات التي بدأت في Moodle in English

Moodle in English -> Moodle office tool integrations Cannot play a rich media from a OneDrive file

بواسطة - Jerry Lau

Hello again.

Moodle 4.1 on RHEL 7.9

The file repository allows me to select a OneDrive audio file, but if I link it, the audio doesn't play (a bad path)...

The link to the file is from


متوسط التقييمات: -

Moodle in English -> Moodle office tool integrations As a Student - Assignment File submission missing "Link to the file" option

بواسطة - Jerry Lau

I have a strange situation... we are on moodle 4.1 and running ubuntu 16.x ... 

when a student tries to submit their file for their homework submission, they can only do "make a copy of the file". 

The option to select "Link to the file" is missing.  

[o] Make a copy of the file
[o] Link to the file (this does not show up)

The student can only upload their file. 

Also if we are able to link to it other than trying to do a file assignment submission, I see this

Original:  unknownsource,repository

what does this mean?

متوسط التقييمات: -

Moodle in English -> General help MS365 plugin - Open ID Connect - Switching existing Moodle users to use Microsoft 365 to log in

بواسطة - Jerry Lau

I did have any response in another forum and will try my luck here instead.

Here is our current specs:

Moodle 4.1.7 (2022112807)

PHP 7.4.33

MySQL 5.7.33

Our users are current using SAML authentication to login and working great. Now we want to get rid of ldap and use the MS365 login SO we can use Azure to login instead. not knowing much, I read the docs and was able to have login via ms365 accounts.

My question is what else do i need to change:

1. majority of our users have their authentication method set to "SAML". Should I write a script to change them "Open ID connect"? Or leave it as is.

2. What I do not understand is does the user who already has logged in via SAML, do they still have to link their account via Microsoft Block at least once?

This is the part I do not understand.

Is there something else I need to do elsewhere to modify this?

Can I just turn off/hide/deactivate "ldap" and have it work since it is SAML already and soon "open id connect"? 

I don't know how and where "ldap" fits in all of this, if any.



متوسط التقييمات: -

Moodle in English -> Authentication MS365 plugin - Switching existing Moodle users to use Microsoft 365 to log in

بواسطة - Jerry Lau

Here is our current specs:

Moodle 4.1.7 (2022112807)

PHP 7.4.33

MySQL 5.7.33

Our users are current using SAML authentication to login and working great. Now we want to get rid of ldap and use the MS365 login SO we can use Azure to login instead. not knowing much, I read the docs and was able to have login via ms365 accounts.

My question is what else do i need to change:

majority of our users have their authentication method set to "SAML". Should I write a script to change them "Open ID connect"? Or leave it as is.

What I do not understand is does the user who already has logged in via SAML, do they still have to link their account via Microsoft Block at least once?

This is the part I do not understand.

Is there something else I need to do elsewhere to modify this?

Can I just turn off "ldap" and have it work since it is saml already and soon "open id connect"? 

I don't know how and where "ldap" fits in all of this, if any.



متوسط التقييمات: -

Moodle in English -> Moodle office tool integrations OneDrive - access controlled link problem (external sharing not enabled)

بواسطة - Jerry Lau
Hello there.

I have detailed this quite a bit and may not have anything to do with Moodle or your plugin..

When the ms service account is used to connect a user's onedrive for their file repository and select "access controlled link" rather than upload the file, the global policy to allow sharing for the "Anyone" group in Azure should be enabled correct? If not they will get the error message ".. external sharing is not enabled for this site".. site meaning OneDrive

here is my detailed post

thank you


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