ASCIIMathML.js with Fallback

Re: ASCIIMathML.js with Fallback to MATHTEX

by Marc Grober -
Number of replies: 2
Mauno, Mauno, Mauno!

  • We are thrashing this forum and should start a new thread for this.
  • As you know I have looked at all these various editors and have tried to get some folks excited about trying to, well perhaps the word is distill, some directions, best practices or what have you. Jonathan Fine was working off a list of folks who might have things to offer....
  • Personally, practically, perfunctorily (sorry but I had to find three "p"s) I would like to focus first on a simple and graceful way to implement asciimathml with fallback now so that from the standpoint of 1.9 users or the initial release of 2.0 we have ducks in a row for incorporation of asciimathml w/fallback (arguably with the code in lib/editor/common/asciimath and implemented via theme) and I would like to see that implementation be close enough to what Peter anbd David have done that it is not just Moodle specific
  • As I think the folks at OU discovered, translating MathML to and from Tex sags quite a bit to one side..... to address this it would be really important to be able to edit an equation already composed, and that is one reason I keep pointing people back to the htmlarea work that Jensen and Lippman did (see also ). In other words, the editor should be able to edit and display all math (as opposed to having to delete an expression and start again....
  • Producing such a solution, as you know, goes beyond just creating it, it has to provide users as well as the administrators of the systems that users employ, with a graceful transition and simplicity of use. I have no doubt that you will get anything you set your mind to working.... I want to make sure that it will get broad support so I would like to plot a course if you will that intersects Moodle for example at a particular place/time)
  • We have talked before about specialized editors and the trad-offs/benefits inherent in them..... Personally, I think that an html editor should be universal in that it should support all feature sets.... but obviously that means it has to be able to display symbols on the one hand and arguably present them in "translation"at the same time like a real time rosetta stone. While this kind of philosophizing is arguably beyond the scope of Moodle editor features.... it obviously is part and parcel what editors to use in Moodle and how those editors can address these considerations. Personally, I was just ticked pink by the editor in David's webpage cited above, and if that functionality were available transparently in tinyMCE without making the html completely incomprehensible I would think I'd died and gone to heaven (which is not small feat for someone who denies the existence of same ;=} )

In reply to Marc Grober

Re: ASCIIMathML.js with Fallback to MATHTEX

by Mauno Korpelainen -

I might be near some sort of "super equation editor" - after pasting applet of Dragmath to the top of my prototype editor and changing the target of Dragmath Insert button to textarea of prototype plugin things look really sweet...

I set meta.php to use two different asciimathml versions - full fallback version when editing is off and short version without asciisvg and latexml code when editing is on to avoid conflicts between tinymce and asviisvg in IE. Using modified plugin Preview I can preview the content of editor textarea with link to full asciimathml code in plugin itself and in prototype plugin editable equation can be previewed with mimetex or some other code...

Fallback of asciimathml works pretty well also in IE without Mathplayer - we still need some solution to asciisvg. Chrome has some odd problem with Dragmath and inserting mathexpression and image maps - Opera, Safari, IE and Firefox seem to work well...

Attachment all.gif