Integration of Focus/SIS with Moodle.

Integration of Focus/SIS with Moodle.

deur sameer pal singh -
Getal antwoorde: 2
Hi all,

Can someone help me out in integration of Focus/SIS with Moodle. Is there anyone who has already done this part.

I hope we need to develop some plugins for Focus which will get fired automatically, everytime at any event in Focus and will enter data in Moodle database.

Please help!!.

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In antwoord op sameer pal singh

Re: Integration of Focus/SIS with Moodle.

deur Anthony Borrow -
Prentjie van Core developers Prentjie van Plugin developers Prentjie van Testers
Sameer - It is not clear to me precisely what you are hoping to accomplish. Are you referring to creating students, creating courses, course enrollments, all of the above? You can setup Moodle to use postgres (which I believe is what focus requires) which may help to facilitate some of the exchange in data. If you could provide a little more information it might be possible to give a little more specific help. Peace - Anthony
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In antwoord op sameer pal singh

Re: Integration of Focus/SIS with Moodle.

deur Orlando Collado -
Hi Sameer!,

Have you found any information regarding Moodle Focus/SIS integration? I would like to know how to share a database for the two systems (users, grades, etc...).

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


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