Changing course/courses text

Changing course/courses text

par Simon Pieman,
Nombre de réponses : 2


I want to use moodle to train my outsourcing team but would prefer to call my courses projects instead. is there a place in the settings where i can change the name of courses or some files i can edit to do the same?


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En réponse à Simon Pieman

Re: Changing course/courses text

par A. T. Wyatt,
Greetings, Simon!

You will need to take a look at the moodle language files. These are all stored in a particular language folder in moodle/lang/en_utf8 (for an example).

moodle.php has the most common strings, but other language files also contribute strings.

On our instance, we once fixed it where we could edit the language files through the moodle web interface. I think it was a permissions thing. But since then I have merely edited the files with a text editor. If you do that, be careful. You don't want to edit the wrong part of the statement!!

For example the original line of code in moodle.php would be:
$string['addnewcourse'] = 'Add a new course';

You would change it to say:
$string['addnewcourse'] = 'Add a new project';

It will be hard to get every instance of the word course, and you will have to decide whether or not to change each string. It certainly can be done, however, with some judicious searching. (not replacing--that would be, in my opinion, WAY too easy to get wrong).

I will also advise that you investigate using a local language pack INSTEAD of changing the language files that you install with moodle. Below, you will find my notes on this process. Certainly you will deviate to suit your own needs:

June 20, 2007 1.8.1 instance

Following these excellent directions from Tim Allen:

In particular:

"The local pack en_utf8_local will not appear in the language menus for selection and your users do not need to change their settings." So the reason you are not seeing the customized language pack in the menu is because you are not supposed to! wink The local pack en_utf8_local and the main pack en_utf8 are checked together (local one first, then the main one) and the language menu only shows one entry for both of them.

So, I did as suggested. First, copy the en_utf8 language pack, rename it, and go through with text editor and change all the desired strings. Things like "instructor" not teacher; "enroll" not "enrol", "expiration" not "expiry", and "course prefix and number" not "shortname". Also, include all the extra language files from the blocks I have installed (quickmail, course menu plus, mycourses, gradebook enhancements). (Well, I have never been quite straight on where those need to go, so I put them in local anyway. I wanted to keep all my changes together).

Important things to note:
  • The file must be named en_utf8_local. The first time around, I named it something else and of course it didn't work properly!
  • The file must be placed in the moodle/lang folder.
  • Default site language is en_utf8.
  • Do not include more than the necessary files. If strings are changed in main moodle language files, having the same file here will pre-empt loading of altered strings and help files.

Additional reference:

Good luck!