1.7.1 - No Front Page Backup?

Re: 1.7.1 - No Front Page Backup?

Jon Skulski írta időpontban
Válaszok szám: 0
Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions. Editing the id in the browser did work, and I got a backup of the lesson. But when I go to restore it dumps after course modules, and the new course is empty. I'm still playing with that.

There is more to the story, and you can see that here

Basically I restored a lesson by dumping in the tables and linking it in mdl_course_modules but it doesn't exist in the mdl_course field modinfo

So i need to rebuild that, if anyone has any other suggestions, that would be great. Hopefully I can just restore it and it will be all gravy, but who knows what's stopping it.

Thanks again.