modulo autoview presenter

Re: modulo autoview presenter

de Germán Valero -
Número de respuestas: 0
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Al instalar el complemento (add-on) de Autoview, la linea que pide elegir la localización del almacen de archivos para Autoview te da un menú desplegable con solamente una opción posible a elegir: 'Internal - Course Files' y explica :

"This setting determines the default storage method for files used by the AutoView module. Changing this setting will not move any existing files, it only affects new presentations. Ideally this setting should not be changed after the initial module setup is completed.

If you choose Internal - Course Files, then all files (including live video recordings) will be held in the normal Moodle Course files for Moodle 1.x users. Moodle 2.x users will need to install the Course File Area repository and Repository File Manager to use this option."

Los usuarios de Moodle 2.x deberán necesariamente de instalar el "Course File Area repository" (Realmente el nombre en inglés es "Course File Area", que se traduce como Repositorio de área de archivos de curso, y que puedes descargar desde

El otro complemento que necesitas instalar es el 'Repository File Manager', que puedes descargar desde .

Es necesario que instales estos otros dos complementos para que funcione el módulo autoview.

Además, necesitas habilitar  (por defecto está deshabilitado) el repositorio de 'Course File Area' en ' Administración del sitio > Plugins > Repositorios > Gestionar repositorios ', o te saldrá otro error.

También deberás de activar la casilla del repositorio  'Course File Area' parapermitir uso interno (Allow internal use) y guardar los cambios.

Después te saldrá otro error: "Warning : No suitable XSL parser has been found. Please update your PHP installation with XSL support enabled. Please see the ReadMe file in the autoview module directory for more information on how to do this.".

Si lees el archivo 'readme.txt', verás lo siguiente:

"This module also requires the following extras which may not be part of the default PHP
installation on your system :

1) XSL support. The default source downloads for PHP 4 and PHP 5 both have XSLT support
bundled with them, but the libraries are different and may not be enabled by default. The
AutoView module should support XSLT under both PHP 4 and 5 and you should consult the PHP
documentation for more information on enabling this. The module will NOT work without the XSLT

For PHP 5 look for the following option on the PHP info page :


Windows users should look at for a note on
enabling XSL in PHP 5.

Note : You should also find a section further down the the phpinfo() page which
mentions xslt. It is not uncommon for binary distributions of PHP (particularly
RPM's and DEB's for linux) to compile PHP with the full set of options and then spilt up the binary
into several separate packages. In these cases the compile options may still show on the phpinfo()
page, but the later xsl/sablotron section will be missing. You need to look for the xml/xslt support
packages, eg on CentOS make sure the php-xml rpm is installed.

2nd Note : We have come across cases where PHP installations appear to have the 'wrong' options for
XSL support installed (eg PHP 5 claiming --with-dom= --with-dom-xslt=). This shouldn't matter,
the module detects XSL support on the basis of the methods present, not the PHP version.

2) You will require either curl or pecl_http support to link to an on line document converter.
If you do not intend  to use a document conversion service, you should not need to install this.
curl is now the prefered method of communicating with a conversion service. Look for the following
option on the PHP info page to confirm that curl support is installed:


If you prefer the pecl_http extension, this can be obtained from
You may be able to install the extension automatically using the 'pecl' programme in the php bin directory
On our linux/apache server, the following worked very nicely :

/path/to/php/bin/pecl install pecl_http

3) Moodle 2.x users will also need the Course File Area Repository plugin and the Repository file manager block.
Please go to to download these modules if you did not get them
from the AutoView download area. The Course File Area Repository will need to be activated on the Moodle repository
configuration page before AutoView will function correctly."

Como mi servidor de prueba 2.6.1 está en Linux Ubuntu, tendré que estudiar el cómo adecuar mi PHP y luego te describo mis hallazgos...

Creo que lo prudente que debo hacer será terminar de instalarlo segun las instrucciones y escribir luego la documentación en inglés y español en después.