Problem with non latin-like languages

Problem with non latin-like languages

Dmitry Pupinin發表於
Number of replies: 3
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I can't enable/disable editing page because
in wiki_ead/lib.php on line 444:
$dfformenconfirm = optional_param('dfformenconfirm','',PARAM_ALPHA);
I russian language not used latin symbols, so variable becomes empty.

And something else:
I don't know why yet, but tables don't renders in my installation and timeline don't works...

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In reply to Dmitry Pupinin

Re: Problem with non latin-like languages

Dmitry Pupinin發表於
Core developers的相片 Plugin developers的相片
Tables renders well (I have missed new nwiki format 眨眼 ), but timeline not.
In reply to Dmitry Pupinin

Re: Problem with non latin-like languages

Ludo (Marc Alier)發表於
Hi Dmitry, thanks for the bug reports.
I'm also bughunting these days. I'll try to release a version fixing these issues next week (escapd chars, slashes, section editing, on latin languages on edit, etc).
Just notice that the old dfwikimarkup is still there, and that we released the timelines as a course reports plug-in separatelly from nwiki in the 1.9 release.