Block with web search option?

Block with web search option?

Marc Dastous -
Atsakymų skaičius: 7


I love the availability of the calendar on the Main page!  I do have one request and I have had this desire for a long time.  Instead of just a forum search, I need to have a "Google" or other search box available in my course.  I wish my students to have quick access to "outside" sources from within my Moodle installation.

I would think this could be a separate "block", but is there any way to have a "search this site/search the web" option?


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Atsakymas į Marc Dastous

Re: Block with web search option?

Tom Murdock -
If you create a label and paste this data in, you'll have a google search (safe from adult themed sites, apparently):

<!-- Google SafeSearch  -->
<FORM method=GET action="">
<TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td>
<A HREF="">
 border="0" ALT="Google" width="115" height="45" align="absmiddle"></A>
<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=25 maxlength=255 value="">
<INPUT type=hidden name=safe value=vss>
<INPUT type=submit name=sa value="Google Search">
<!-- Google SafeSearch -->

This and other free "outside" Google searches are available here.
Atsakymas į Tom Murdock

Re: Block with web search option?

Jon Bolton -
Particularly helpful Moodlers paveikslėlis Testers paveikslėlis
Further to Tom's post, I've attempted to add the code to a new block (attached).

1. In your Blocks directory, create a folder called googlesearch
2. Unzip block_googlesearch.php to your blocks/googlesearch
3. Unzip block_google.php to your language directory
4. Go to yourmoodle/admin to install

Atsakymas į Jon Bolton

Re: Block with web search option?

Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) -
Core developers paveikslėlis Documentation writers paveikslėlis Moodle HQ paveikslėlis Peer reviewers paveikslėlis Plugin developers paveikslėlis Testers paveikslėlis
Hi Jon,

Very cool block!! Thanks!!

Perhaps, the only comment (not really important) about your block is that the lang file should be called "block_googlesearch.php" (I know that, to store it in the zip, names must be different, but perhaps is better to include it in a lang directory).

Although for now it's really a silly thing, near in the future it could be mandatory to start some new developments in Moodle...

Ciao besišypsantis

Atsakymas į Jon Bolton

Re: Block with web search option?

Marc Dastous -

This worked AWESOME!!!!

How would I incorporate this with the new Main page code?  I was unable to get this block to appear on the Main page.

Thanks again, this will really help my students.  BTW, I even customized the code a little further by adding a site search option.  This is hard coded into line 79 of the block_googlesearch.php.

I've attached the code, maybe someone can add to it.


Atsakymas į Marc Dastous

Re: Block with web search option?

Gustav W Delius -

To be able to have the block on the site home page you need to add

    function applicable_formats() {

If you don't have that function then the block is available on all courses EXCEPT the site.