Book module preview

Book module preview

av Petr Skoda -
Galle vástádusa: 26
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I would like to show you some preview of my current work on Book module.

Targeted users:
  • Course content creators with limited knowledge of html.

My motivations:
  1. I wanted to learn PHP and to find out how Moodle works.
  2. I was contracted by Technical university of Liberec (Czech Republic) to design a simple module for creation of multipage resources.



(I hope Martin will not mind that I used Moodle documentation for this preview blunker)

Warning: Do not install it on production server!! (it is only untested preview!)



PS: Most of the code and icons were borrowed from other modules.
Gjennomsnittlig vurdering: -
Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av Tom Murdock -
Petr, a nice start. This is really interesting.

A while back, I was thinking about ways to create portfolios (books?) containing student work. If these books could 1) be generated by students as well as faculty, and 2) if your page (/moodle/mod/book/edit.php?id=X&pagenum=X) that creates the entry could offer a kind of "paste from" menu of all the various writing a student has done in a course (maybe a drop down list of all written activity), this module would go a long way towards fulfilling such a goal.

Of course, I'm sure groups would like to build books, too. blunker...

Like all good ideas, this could get complex. But I like the simple premise. Keeping the structure similar to the lesson module would probably be beneficial.

Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av Ger Tielemans -
What does the up arrow mean? I like the TOC on the left, isn't that the place to jump to the begin or the begin of a new section?
Vástádussan geasa: Ger Tielemans

Re: Book module preview

av Petr Skoda -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers
Thanks for all your feedback!!

The up icon is active only for subchapters and leads to parent chapter, I am not sure whether it is usefull - these books should not be large.

Some features I am thinking about:
  • search icon next to print icon (now you can only search in print view)
  • possibility to hide/collapse TOC (tree view of TOC?)
  • backup/restore functionality (I am still only studying other modules) - priority #1
  • automatic numbering (maybe later, would it be usefull?)

Considering the portfolio suggestion, IMHO it is better to do small specialised modules rather than all-mighty ones. The main problem with portfolio IMHO would be the present structure of Moodle 1.3 modules - logic and presentation are mixed together, you can not easily display data from another module or interact with it trist.

Maybe in version 2.x or later the aggregation of modules will be possible, well it is the right time to speak about it just now smiler.


Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av Petr Skoda -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers
Just some idea...

  1. teacher creates book
  2. adds empty chapters
  3. defines which student/group can edit each chapter
  4. students fill chapters assigned to them

It should not be extremely difficult to implement and the controls could be relativelly intuitive too smiler
Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av Hans de Zwart -
Okay, I have tested it a little and like it very much. It is extremely simple and it will probably be a big hit. People can easily create a lot of content this way.
A couple of questions:
  • Does it get backed up when I back up a course?
  • Only one sublevel is possible?
  • When I create a subpage from a main page, the two are not linked in the sense that if I move the main page it moves the subpage as well? This probably by design, but might not be very intuitive
I like your idea of creating a format that can be filled by students. Great for portfolio's. Maybe this module could use some fancy CSS so that it can look like a real book (by users/teachers choice, like scrapbook that Ger has showed us a couple of times.
Separate themes for how the book would look could be nice.
Vástádussan geasa: Hans de Zwart

Re: Book module preview

av Don Hinkelman -
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers
Wonderful module!   I agree it will be a big hit in my classes.  I want to use it yesterday.  smiler

A very simple tool for students to generate and publish their work--I will use it 90% for student-generated work and 10% for teacher authoring.

For example, in beginning foreign language class, we now have students make self-introductions in Powerpoint, and upload writing work into their individual Yahoo homepage.    "Book" could replace much of that.   I am thinking much on the lines of Tom, a kind of individual portfolio.  

Thinking ahead, how would Version 2 change all this?
Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av Martin Dougiamas -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Moodle HQ Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers Bilde av Testers
Hi, Petr.

Good start!  If you give me your Sourceforge username I'll give you write access in the cvs:/contrib to store it there.

A question though:  from a user point of view, how is this to be distinguished from the Wiki module?
Vástádussan geasa: Martin Dougiamas

Re: Book module preview

av Ger Tielemans -
  • You can use a Wiki like a book, but not the other way around: for example for a start someone with overview could create a TOC in Wiki II, later others can become managers of subsets of pages.
  • In a Wiki these users can reorganise the logical places of all the pages, in a book the control is at the owner.
  • Wiki has page version control
  • A book is rather flat, a Wiki can get a very complex structures
  1. Depending of your needs you wish to choose between these two (and lessons!)
  2. Book is easier to start with, then lessons, Wiki needs more userguidelines.
Vástádussan geasa: Ger Tielemans

Re: Book module preview

av Hans de Zwart -
Ger, quite often I get your message twice. The message I am answering is an example. It also exist as a separate discussion surprise

Why do you think it happens? Maybe you are double clicking the "Save Changes" button?
Vástádussan geasa: Ger Tielemans

Re: Book module preview

av Petr Skoda -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers
Thanks Ger!

Now I am concentrating on really simple Book module especially for new Moodle teachers.

Targeted features for version 1.0 (compatible with Moodle 1.3):
  • only teachers can edit (done)
  • only two levels - chapter and subchapter (done)
  • chapters defined in HTML, stored in database (done)
  • chapter reordering (done - improvements possible)
  • simple printing (done)
  • automatic numbering - book option (not yet - easy)
  • searching (no yet)
  • backup/restore (working on it - problems with linking) - priority #1
  • TOC hiding (not yet - easy)
  • export as HTML for offline viewing (not yet) - priority #2

Will not be in 1.0:
  • CSS (let's wait for Moodle 2)
  • advanced student tracking
  • pdf export (do not know how to do it, use pdf softprinter for now)
  • import (copy & paste is enough for now)
  • students can edit chapters (maybe wait for new DMS and role based access control)

To Martin:
I created my acount on Sourceforge (username skodak), but I will have to learn how to use it trist. Also I know only a little about CVS. I need a week or two to master it blunker


Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av Ger Tielemans -
Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av Ger Tielemans -

If the user wants to export his set of pages, three formats are good candidats:

  1. HTML (to move it as a static set to another website while remaining the TOC access)
  2. PDF (to keep it together in one file, also with a working TOC)
  3. XML (the Royal way for import and export)

1 & 2 could also be added to glossary? (suggesting a solution on a more global level, Martin?)

Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Book module alpha

av Petr Skoda -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers
I have nearly finished Alpha version of Book module.

List of features for version 1.0 (compatible with Moodle 1.3):
  • easy to use - new teachers can quickly create multipage study materials
  • two levels - only chapters and subchapters
  • possible automatic chapter numbering
  • chapters authored in build-in HTML editor (html stored in database, images in course data)
  • printing support - all chapters can be displayed on one CSS formatted page
  • buckup/restore with internal link preservation

Intentionally omitted features:
  • more chapter levels - it would encourage teachers to write too much complex and long books, better use standard standalone HTML editor and import it as Resource. DocBook format is another suitable solution.
  • searching - global searching is AFAIK not implemented in Moodle, instead use searching in browser in print view
  • TOC hiding in normal view - instead use printer friendly view
  • PDF export - there is no elegant wayAFAIK to convert HTML to PDF, use virtual PDF printer or better use DocBook format for authoring
  • detailed student tracking (postponed till officially supported)
  • export as zipped set of HTML pages - instead use browser command Save page as... in print view
  • import - Copy/Paste is simple and sufficient for targeted users


To Martin: could you please give me CVS access to contrib, my account name on Sourceforge is skodak.
Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module alpha

av Martin Dougiamas -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Moodle HQ Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers Bilde av Testers
Go for it man, it's done! ... cvs:/contrib/book
Vástádussan geasa: Martin Dougiamas

Re: Book module alpha

av Przemyslaw Stencel -
Is the book module mature enough to be included on the modules download pagewink
Vástádussan geasa: Przemyslaw Stencel

Re: Book module alpha

av Petr Skoda -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers
I am not sure, maybe better wait a week or two before making any major announcement - the code is not much tested. I am finishing first beta version just now. I do not expect any change in database representation.

The main problem will be the changes in mod.html (famous HTML editor bug resolved yesterday). Book will be compatible with Moodle 1.3.1 and later.

I will have to work hard on some documentation for end users now.
Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module alpha

av Tom Murdock -

How is the alpha going? Can we peek?

Vástádussan geasa: Tom Murdock

Re: Book module alpha

av Petr Skoda -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers

Book is now in contrib CVS, but there are some problems with SourceForge these days. (Anonymous access is not working for me.)

During the weekend I will release some zipped Beta version and new screenshots here blunker

Thanks for your interest.

Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module alpha

av Ger Tielemans -
  • I like the highlighting in the TOC, of the chapter that is open
  • Nice to paste pictures on the pages with the editor
  • I like your red cross for adding a new chapter very much.
    Would be nice to have it in some other modules too!
  • Can you start the count of the chapters with (an invisble) zero, So I can insert an introduction before chapter one?
  • How can I - as teacher - switch editing view off?
  • With the print option that prints the whole book we have a great and simple tool to create manuals for each section: only the page breaks for letter or A4 are missing..
    How should a teacher handle that?

If Martin or one of the others would:

  •  create a harvest button in the admin menu that collects all the books of a course
  • that list opens in an overview window
  • the teacher can checkmark the files that go in the final coursemanual 
  • that will be printed for the student (or the other teacher..)

Really, really nice, and so easy:

(Art show it to Mary, no no... Mary show it to Art wink )

Vástádussan geasa: Ger Tielemans

Re: Book module alpha

av Petr Skoda -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers
Thanks for comments!!

... got some other work today but I am thinking about adding some more numbering styles and some preview button for teachers (I already prepared it, but did not know where to place it and whether it would be usefull).

Page breaks are defined in CSS and it works in my IE and FireFox blunker Did you try actual printing or browser's Print preview?

Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module alpha

av Ger Tielemans -

I even see possibilities for Book to become a candidate for an elegant student portfolio:

  • like eWiki the teacher must be able to choose the usersettings for the editfunction(teacher-student-group-class)
  • attaching files to the bottom of the page ( a clone of your crossmark routine?)
  • locking the page by the teacher when that page is accepted as OK

For the version in 2007: export the complete book as HTML or PDF with electronic seals on the pages wink

Vástádussan geasa: Petr Skoda

Re: Book module preview

av N Hansen -
I really like this idea. My concern is that it would be only linked to a single topic or week. What if someone wanted to create a book that could be consulted throughout the course. Where would that book reside?