Edit and Delete Icons - their order

Edit and Delete Icons - their order

Ian Ellis -
Atsakymų skaičius: 1
Considering the order of the move-edit-delete-hide etc icons:

Edit is the most used ... So, put it first in the row.
Separate it from Delete.Why? Miss edit with your click and you hit delete. Whoops!

Delete icon resembles Close. How about making it a red slashed-x ? (Yes, I can change that for myself, but is it worthy of being in the basic distribution?).

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Atsakymas į Ian Ellis

Re: Edit and Delete Icons - their order

Hans de Zwart -

Some very sensible points! Especially separating the edit from the delete. Please don't write that you have to press another yes to delete anything. It still is a "whoops".

However I am not sure that edit is the most used and don't know why something that is most used would have to go first in the row.

I do agree that the delete icon could be more self-explanatory.