New Activity module - Flash Video

New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
Number of replies: 32
Module Name: Flash Video
Requirements: Moodle 1.8, optionally Red5 or FMS for streaming videos
Description: Let adding flash videos (flv) to moodle. Supports streaming servers like red5 and FMS (Tested on Red5 0.6.2). In the Intro field, you can give a general description of the video and/or add notes, attachements etc... Also you can configure many aspects of the video display (width,height,buffering,etc..)

Credits: The flv player used in this release has been developed by Jeroen Wijering

In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
The 2nd release of the Flash Video module is now available.

This release now supports a separate "Teacher's Note" page and uses the Moodle role system to manage the capabilities within resources in the moodle context.

In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
The 3rd release of the Flash Video module is now available.

This release now supports personal notes by Students. These personal notes can be configured to view by other users depending on there capabilities defined by the teacher.

The latest verson can be downloaded from Moodle Plugin Database.
In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

philippe petitqueux - દ્વારા

Ayubowan and bohoma istuti.

Very nice work. Thank you.

In reply to philippe petitqueux

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Pedro Gutiérrez D. - દ્વારા

Very nice work.

But I need some help...

RED5 and the flv videos are going to be here, with the examples  /usr/lib/red5/webapps/oflaDemo/streams 

Moodle is in /var/www/moodle

I can upload a video it works, but I can't make conection with the streaming server rtmp://my.red5.server/oflaDemo/streams

Do you have any documentation??

I have to do anything else with red5??

Regards from Mexico

In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Karl Linne - દ્વારા
my install of your great module works fine in the video department, but I don't seem to be able to make teacher's notes stick: they won't save, whereas "my notes" seems to remember all right.

Could you give me a hint where to look for the solution?
In reply to Karl Linne

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
can you enable the server debug mode (dont do this in a production server) and see for any errors or warnings.

FYI to enable debug mode, on Site Administrtion block;
and change "Debug messages" to ALL and check "Display Debug Messages"

BTW what is the moodle version you are using. I've just tested this on latest 1.8 CVS snapshot and working fine.

In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

min park - દ્વારા


Moodle 1.9.3 (Build: 20081015)
Apache2.2 + PHP5 + MYSQL 5.0 + MS XP and MS 2003 server

I installed Activity module "Flash Video" and saw "successful installtion" messages at "Notifications" on the Site Administration.

Then I can see "Flash Video" on the "Add an activity" list.

BUT I got the blank page when I click "Flash Video" on the "Add an activity" list.

It shows "HTTP 500 Internal server error" on IE6 and Firefox.

I tested this in different computer and have same result above.

I repeated removing and installing for several times and even did follow the same thing on the installation video on youtube.

There was no problem and no error message during the installation because I installed moodle so many times.

I spent 3days to fix this and I am almost exhausted.

Please Please help me!!!

In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Aaron Relph - દ્વારા
I can't seem to be able to get the videos to play. All it does is sit there with a blank screen... no matter how many times i press play. What should i do? Would it be because the file that i uploaded is a .wmv?
In reply to Aaron Relph

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Pedro Gutiérrez D. - દ્વારા

Aaron, the file most be .FLV Flash Video.. you can use some programs like sorenson squeeze, total video converter, etc, to export you videos as FLV.

I have some problems using the streaming service, but if you Upload the file it works..

Have fun!

In reply to Pedro Gutiérrez D.

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Juliajna Novakovic - દ્વારા
I have a problem using Upload. File is .FLA format but don't work. The screen is black
In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Van Howell - દ્વારા

I want to be able to have instructors upload video files of any format to the streaming server and have them converted to FLV format. Have you done any work with FFMPEG on conversion. I have ran across a ffmpeg php class. I have not had a chance to work with this yet. I wanted to ask if you had worked on this any.


In reply to Van Howell

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
Though i havent used FFMPEG directly for converting videos, i have seen several tutorials on that regards. I use a product called RIVA Encoder, which uses ffmpeg.

BTW i may add your required functionality in future, since we also like to have that functionality.
In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Van Howell - દ્વારા

I have run accross a PHP class that uses FFMPEG to transcode files. It it fairly conprehensive (It does everything I want it to do). I have only played with it some in my spare time. I had some problems with it to start off but it turned out to be my install of FFMPEG. I did not have all of the correct compile options set to convert to FLV. Once I got that fixed it worked nicely. I am now working on incorperating it into your FlashVideo Mod.

Here is the link if you want to take a look at the class and the examples.

I want to be able to upload directly to my streaming server, not into my Moodle datadirectory. I am looking at adding configuration setting to the FlashVideo module in order to set the server name, file location, transcode options, and username and password.

My thoughts on the matter is to take the uploadlib.php class that is in moodle and modify it to do the file upload to the new server. If I do this then the FFMPEG software will need to be installed on the main Moodle server. That means the transcoding will take place on the Moodle server. The reason I wanted to go to a streaming server was to offload the load of Video and video converstion to a second server. I'm thinking of setting up the module to call the Streaming server upload and transcode from the Streaming server. So what I would do would be to install a the php scripts that will do the uploading and transcode work on the streaming server and the rest of the FlashVideo mod on the main Moodle server and then just call it from the main server. Do you have any thoughts on this.


In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Francisco Tanaka - દ્વારા
In reply to Francisco Tanaka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
Since i am using the new API, this only works on Moodle 1.8 or later (May be woks on 1.7 too, but didn't tested).
In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Alex Guzun - દ્વારા
Using Moodle 1.8.2 and SWF files uploaded by admin.
The problem is - player shows me only first 10sec of the video ઉદાસ

What is wrong?
In reply to Alex Guzun

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

andy101 andy101 - દ્વારા
Hi I just installed the module. However the full screen option is not working. I used the same JW player for Joomla as well. And I know you need to edit some code for the full screen to work. Anyone can advise on the full screen issue?
In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Alex Laforest - દ્વારા

We have been using the module (version 0.2) with Moodle 1.8.2, but now I'm running upgrade test on our site mirror and, after the upgrade to 1.9.1, the modedit.php only loads the header (see screenshot). I'm guessing it's a very silly thing, but I'd like to be nudged in the right direction, so I don't have to do a bunch of trials and errors... Any help much appreciated.

In reply to Alex Laforest

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rashan Anushka - દ્વારા
I have just tested the latest module with latest Moodle 1.9.2+ (CVS update) and it works fine.

I also suggest you to use the latest version of the plugin (0.3), the main feature of this version is the ability of keeping personal notes by the students.
In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Rij Blr - દ્વારા

Hi Rashan,

This is wonderful module. Any plan for upgrading to 2.0?


In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Blair F. - દ્વારા
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

When I upload an .swf file, the file displays all scrunched up in the left-top corner, regardless of what I set the scale mode I choose.

When I upload the file in .flv format it fills the window but it zooms by in fast motion.

Haven't got a clue what's wrong.

In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Davo Smith - દ્વારા
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers

There are a couple of minor bugs in the latest version, which throw up warnings when the debug level is set to 'developer':

print_header is not using the 'build_navigation' function

mynote.php does not check to see if $usernotes is 'false' before using 'foreach' on it.

I've fixed both of these on my local version, if you would like me to send it across to you.

In reply to Rashan Anushka

Re: New Activity module - Flash Video

Pablo Angel - દ્વારા

I have moodle 2.0.2 but when a try install flashvideo module show error

Debug info: Missing mandatory en language pack.
Stack trace:
  • line 462 of /lib/upgradelib.php: plugin_defective_exception thrown
  • line 265 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins_modules()
  • line 1426 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins()
  • line 290 of /admin/index.php: call to upgrade_noncore()

thks for your help