highlighted words/parts of words

highlighted words/parts of words

by cecile pinot -
Number of replies: 4

I hope this has not been discussed already - my apologies if it has, I  haven't found the thread... We have an entry about pronouns in a glossary, and the word "me" is among the synonymous terms. The problem is that every occurrence of "me", including within a word, get highlighted... so that for "problème", the last two letters of the word are highlighted... I tried to modify this by putting a space before the sequence hoping that only "SPACE+me" would be taken into account, but the synonyms section doesn't seem take spaces... this happens only in the synonymous terms section, has anyone had this problem?

Thanks a lot


In reply to cecile pinot

Re: highlighted words/parts of words

by Martin Dougiamas -
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In the glossary entry editing screen, there is a checkbox "Match whole words only", which you should enable.
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: highlighted words/parts of words

by cecile pinot -

Thanks a lot for your answer Martin. I changed the entry, however it seems that messages that were sent before I made this change are still wrongly highlighted (not too serious but I got a bit confused while checking).

Thanks again


In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: highlighted words/parts of words

by Ne Nashev -
There are non-english charester before 'me' in that sample word. May be "whole word only" mechanizm hav a bug?
In reply to Ne Nashev

Re: highlighted words/parts of words

by Petr Skoda -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers
IMO present autolinking mechanism in glossary is not suitable for nonascii characters.

There are two highlighting mechanisms in Moodle: in weblib.php/highlight and in mod/glossary/filtr.php/glossary_link_concepts. It is not easy to fix, because PHP's internal functions do not care much about national characters. sad
