Adding to Assignments URLs with a direct File URL

Adding to Assignments URLs with a direct File URL

av Robin Leigh -
Galle vástádusa: 0

Any help or advice would be grately appreciated.

I'd like to have the ability to both view the student's assignments (as currently available) on the submissions page and open it to edit it directly. 

U1Assignment1.doc..... View as web URL (opens as read only) < as now
U1Assignment1.doc..... Edit as file URL (opens to edit and save) < want!

For example.  I'd need a link like:


as well as http://moodle/directory/etc/U1Assignment1.doc

I know the download/save/upload feature is meant to do this, but in some cases this isn't the desired solution.  For example, the earlier post where a teacher wants to amend an assignment.  Internally, with a relatively large college, there's a desire to prevent constant duplication of Word docs.  Surely this becomes a major storage problem.

Only just installed version 1.8 as a test before we decide to adopt it... or not!

Thanks for any advice.

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