Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Number of replies: 77
Dear all, I have just documented a little bit with the quickmail block that we modified from Michael Penny and Mark Nielsen's original quickmail block. Basically we replaced the original "check boxes" GUI design, and replaced with a side-by-side selection blocks for easy selection. The codes are available for downloading from http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=764

Just a quick FYI and this work should consider as beta right now. We have also removed the Group Mode feature as we are currently testing this on Moodle 1.8 right now.

Hope some of you would enjoy this block. Feedback/comment are always welcomed... smile
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Brian Schmidt -
Hi Wen,

Was there any particular reason for removing the 'History' link? This is something we actually use a lot in the previous version, so would hate to lose it. When I went into block_quickmail.php and removed the comments disabling the link for it, it seemed to work just fine. Am I just missing some problem that you all discovered when you reworked the block?

Thanks for sharing your work, I definitely like the changes.

In reply to Brian Schmidt

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi Brian, it's just our own preferences based on our need assessment and feedback from our support team. Yes you could re-enable it by removing the comments disabling the link for it. Let us know how it works..

By the way I think there is a maillink which link to an empty file, this is suppose to be a HELP button (question mark icon), I will get it fixed later..
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Anil Sharma -
Thanks for this, installed on 1.8 without any error, and removed the comment disabling the history link.

Heres a small wish :

The quickmail block now makes sending mails as easy as sending SMS on a cellphone. Just the way cellphones have a few "Templates" of messages, maybe we could have a "template" email option, select a message from a dropdown, allowing teachers to quickly send assignment reminders etc.

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by James Williamson -
(This message is posted here as well as the main fourm)

Hi: This is a great block idea, but I'm having some troubles getting it to run (v1 for small course worked well). The problem is that although I have selected recipients, I am getting an error saying I need to select recipients.

A second issue found when examining the code is that "iLearn" (a customized name for Moodle) is hard-coded in the error messages, along with specific instructions in case an error is found. Those wishing to use this block should make the appropriate changes for their institutions.
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Brian Schmidt -
One quick item I just found. On line 98 of email.html, you may want to change this, as it is hard coded to link to (I'm guessing) your server:

<a target="popup" title="mailto" href=";file=maillink.html" onclick="return openpopup('/help.php?module=moodle&amp;file=maillink.html', 'popup', 'menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width=500,height=400', 0);"><img height="17" width="17" alt="maillink" src="" /></a>
In reply to Brian Schmidt

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Thanks! yeah I think I ziped a older version of the files, will get this fixed. Thanks again for pointing this out!
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Safari problem

by Slobodan Jovcic -
Hi Wen,

Thanks for a very useful block. I'm testing it on Moodle 1.8, and it's not working properly under Safari. Clicking on "Send Email" returns an error saying that no recipient has been selected, and "Select All" and "Remove All" behave erratically.

Problem is in selection.js where you reference listbox elements as selectedList.item(i). Safari doesn't support the "item" property (since it's not in JS spec) and requires use of the "options" property, as in selectedList.options.item(i) or selectedList.options[i]. Please change all occurances of <listbox>.item(i) to <listbox>.options[i].

Here's the list of changes I made. Tested in all the major browsers.

$ diff selection.js.original selection.js
<                      selectedList.appendChild(availableList.options.item(i));
>                      selectedList.appendChild(availableList.options[i]);
<              availableList.appendChild(selectedList.item(i));
>              availableList.appendChild(selectedList.options[i]);
<              selectedList.appendChild(availableList.item(i));
>              selectedList.appendChild(availableList.options[i]);
<              var val = selectedList.item(i).value;
>              var val = selectedList.options[i].value;
<              var val = selectedList.item(i).value;
>              var val = selectedList.options[i].value;

Also, suggestion for a small improvement. Add double-click event handler to both listboxes, to allow adding and removing of users by double-clicking on their names. Just modify <select> tags in the email.html like this:

<select name="mail_to" size="20" multiple id="mail_to" ondblclick="remove_user()">
<select name="members" size="20" multiple id="members" ondblclick="add_user()">

Double-click doesn't seem to work in Opera, but all other browsers (Firefox, IE, Safari) are OK.

In reply to Slobodan Jovcic

Re: Safari problem

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Thanks Jovca, by the way I tested on all major web browsers with your fix and found that only IE7 will create a weird missing right-hand-side border (see screenshot) while IE6, ff2, safari (both PC and mac), Opera, netscape, all behave without this issue. Anyone knows what might have break IE7 for this issue? Thanks!
Attachment quickmail_IE7_missing_border.png
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by James Whitacre -

I installed this on a v1.82 Moodle today. The regular Quickmail worked flawlessly and I thought that this might be a better solution especially with the link to external email (a easy way to bcc a list (dynamic) without creating and maintaining a group in the external email client). At any rate, there are several weird things happening:
  • on the actual Quickmail compose page: potentialreceipent and

  • on the confirmation page - Notice: Undefined variable: messagetext in /myserveraddress/blocks/quickmail/email.php on line 196
    Email(s) sent successfully
  • the block itself has lost icons looking like this:Block.jpg
At any rate, if someone has some ideas. I really like the program and this large install feature is just the ticket. I installed the Quickmail and then this program over that one. I deinstalled everthing and just installed this one, but continue to have the same issues.

Please help!
In reply to James Whitacre

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
We updated it a little bit (to version 2.0.3) and the above problem should have been fixed, please try again. I have also attached the new file here. The missing string should have been defined in /lang/en_utf8/block_quickmail.php. After you download and unzip the quickmailv2.zip file, please make sure that you read the README.TXT file. You need to move some of the .php or .html files (e.g. block_quickmail.php, extemail.html, quickmail.html) to /lang/en/ (and /lang/en/help) folders (if you are using 1.5.x), or /lang/en_utf8 (and /en_utf8/help) folders. Once this is done those missing strings problems should be fixed. Our next to-do list is to make this block work with GROUPS.

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Don Schwartz -
Love the block if I can get it to work. I have the original working on another site without issues.

I'm getting permission denied. You don't have permission to access //blocks/quickmail/email.php on this server.

I've tried all the permissions I can think of including the scary 0777 on both folders and files.

Could it be that I'm using this on the front page and not within a course with assigned teachers?

Update: The permissions issue is only when attaching a file.

Any ideas appreciated.
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Mat Cannings -
Hi Wen,
I have been using the Quickmail for Large Classes for Moodle 1.9 and think it is great but I have spotted a couple of minor issues.

In the list of students all email addresses are visible even if the student has selected "Hide Email Address from all" in their personal preferences. I have managed to fix this. But following on from this, with the emails hidden if the student selects the use external option then all the email addresses are pasted into the external email clients To: area.

I have fixed both of these issues by disabling the use external option for students and checking whether the person has their email address visible to others before displaying.

I have attached the updated version of email.html to this post, it is only for Quickmail for Large Classes for Moodle 1.9.
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -

Great Enhancement!  Just installed on upgrade to Moodle 1.9 (beta3).  Works great, but having two issues:

1. In the "older" version of quickmail - I was able to email all system accounts from the main home page - seem to see any users now.

2. The History tab is now missing  - so I cannot see prior messages sent.  


In reply to Ken Gibson

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Paul Ortman -
For question 2, this feature can be easily re-enabled by using my attached patch. Basically you need to uncomment two lines in the block_quickmail.php file. All the logging to the database seems to be done as it was before, just the log interface link was disabled.
In reply to Paul Ortman

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -

Paul - thanks for the fix and sorry for the slow reply - should have looked at the code.  History is working great now!


In reply to Paul Ortman

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Paul, thanks for the patch. Sorry has been crazy busy here and I haven't been able to update this block for a while now. I will try to find some time this week to test your patch and maybe try to fix other problems that Ken reported. Thanks again for you (and Ken's) support for this block. smile
In reply to Ken Gibson

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Brian Schmidt -
I seem to be unable to get this to work on my test installation of 1.9. It installs fine, but when I click on the 'Compose Email' link, I get this error:
"No course users found to email"

However, I do have users in there - 1 instructor and 2 students. Any ideas why this is happening?
In reply to Brian Schmidt

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Greg Rodenhiser -
I see the exact same issue withg Quickmail Beta for Moodle 1.9. I also tried to install Quickmail for large classes in Moodle 1.9 without luck, same issue.
In reply to Greg Rodenhiser

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Andy Tagliani -
This is the result, when some moodler post to the same problem more than in one thread, became a solution and finished not the thread with post the solution!

Greg, see this topic please, i hope this will fix your problem!

In reply to Andy Tagliani

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Andy Tagliani -
Can someone confirm, that the block quickmail for larger did not work in the internet explorer? Theres JavaScript errors and user with the ie not able to select any or all user to send mails. If someone confirm, i open a entry in the bugtracker. Fo me its not a problem with the firefox, but i know a lot of users the come with the internet explorer.

In reply to Andy Tagliani

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -


We are using this block (quickmail - larger classes) with IE and are not seeing any issues.  www.justicedegree.org , PHP Version 5.1.6, Moodle 1.93beta.


In reply to Ken Gibson

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Andy Tagliani -
Thank you Ken

The two users they report me this error (i have checked this now) have moodle 1.9 final, PHP 5.2.5, MySQL 5.0.4x and the have really the problem, that the Internet Explorer 7 shows the java script error and they cannot choose a single user or all users over the buttons "add". I´m gonna try this tomorrow with a new installation of moodle 1.9 and the last file versions of the block and report then. Firefox works fine!

One problem more, i set in the role (example student) they cannot use the block, if the teacher set in the block configuration they can use the block, students can use them!? Is this a collision?

Thanks again Ken!
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -


Quick question.  Is there a way to add admins on to the list of "quickmailable" users in each course?

Currently, when we us the quickmail block in a course, the list of mailable users that pop up are only those involved in the course (students + instructors).  It would be nice to have system admins (program directors, etc.) on this list as well, as we frequently need to cc them on these course e-mails.  Is there an easy way to do this?


In reply to Ken Gibson

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -

Bumping my own question here for those who are interested.

originally I asked" Is there a way to add admins on to the list of "quickmailable" users in each course?

Currently, when we us the quickmail block in a course, the list of mailable users that pop up are only those involved in the course (students + instructors).  It would be nice to have system admins (program directors, etc.) on this list as well, as we frequently need to cc them on these course e-mails.  Is there an easy way to do this?"

Hack to do this:

In e-mail.php around line 151 replace this:

 //Get list of students enrolled in the course including teachers and students

    if (!$courseusers = get_course_users($course->id, 'lastname')) {

        error('No course users found to email');


with this:

 //Get list of students enrolled in the course including teachers and students

    if (!$courseuserstudentteachers = get_course_users($course->id, 'lastname')) {

        error('No course users found to email');


 //Get list of Admins
 if (!$courseadmins = get_admins($course->id, 'lastname')) {

        error('No course admins found to email');


 //Combine the two
 if (!$courseusers = $courseadmins + $courseuserstudentteachers) {

        error('No course admins found to email');


This will populate site admins in all quickmail lists.



In reply to Ken Gibson

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Alicia García -
Quickmail 2.6
Moodle 1.9.9+

I had the same problem and I've resolved it changing a few lines in email.php.

Around line 101 replace "mdl_" with "{$CFG->prefix}" without quotes:

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(r.id, '_', usr.username), r.id AS roleid, r.name, 
 r.shortname, usr.id AS userid, usr.username, usr.email, usr.firstname, 
 FROM mdl_course AS c 
 INNER JOIN mdl_context AS cx ON cx.id={$context->id}
 INNER JOIN mdl_role_assignments AS ra ON cx.id = ra.contextid
 INNER JOIN mdl_role AS r ON ra.roleid = r.id
 INNER JOIN mdl_user AS usr ON ra.userid = usr.id
 WHERE (c.id = {$course->id}) ORDER BY usr.lastname ASC";
 $dbcontent = get_records_sql($sql);
 $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(u.id, '_', u.username, '_', g.id) AS uniquecode, 
 u.id AS userid, g.id AS groupid, g.name 
 FROM mdl_user AS u, 
 mdl_groups AS g, 
 mdl_groups_members AS gm 
 WHERE g.courseid = {$course->id} 
 AND g.id = gm.groupid 
 AND gm.userid = u.id";

with this:

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(r.id, '_', usr.username), r.id AS roleid, r.name, 
 r.shortname, usr.id AS userid, usr.username, usr.email, usr.firstname, 
 FROM {$CFG->prefix}course AS c 
 INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context AS cx ON cx.id={$context->id}
 INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments AS ra ON cx.id = ra.contextid
 INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role AS r ON ra.roleid = r.id
 INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user AS usr ON ra.userid = usr.id
 WHERE (c.id = {$course->id}) ORDER BY usr.lastname ASC";
 $dbcontent = get_records_sql($sql);
 $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(u.id, '_', u.username, '_', g.id) AS uniquecode, 
 u.id AS userid, g.id AS groupid, g.name 
 FROM {$CFG->prefix}user AS u, 
 {$CFG->prefix}groups AS g, 
 {$CFG->prefix}groups_members AS gm 
 WHERE g.courseid = {$course->id} 
 AND g.id = gm.groupid 
 AND gm.userid = u.id";

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Greg Rodenhiser -
Is anyone having a problem using this block on Moodle 1.9 as a sticky block. Once I do this the block shows on all the courses and instructors can use it, BUT they cannot enable the block for students. If the instructor goes to Settings and selects yes to make available to students, this does not take, and the block remains unavailable to students. In debug mode the following error occurs when an instructor attempts to open the block to students:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /web/docs-www/montserrat/blocks/quickmail/config_instance.html on line 26

Ideally, we want this block by default in all our existing courses AND available for student use. I've even tried granting the student role access to the block via the roles system, still no good. Thaks in advance.... I really need this working!!
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Steve Bond -

Attached is a slightly modified version which adds an extra button to the form, allowing you to add all users having the "Student" role to the "Selected Recipient(s)" with a single click.

Hope this is useful to someone - it is to us.

In reply to Steve Bond

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -

Hey Steve,

Thanks for the edition.

Perhaps an off-base question - but do you know how to have quickmail also populate the list of site admins into all courses as well? 
Right now this code in line 76 of email.php:

 //Get list of users enrolled in the course including teachers and students
    if (!$courseusers = get_course_users($course->id, 'lastname')) {
        error('No course users found to email');

Just gives me teachers + students within a course. I need these + site admins.
Any thoughts would be most appreciated.


In reply to Steve Bond

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Vicki Dunnam -
Trying to follow the discussion on Quick Mail.  Right now, my students cannot see the Quick Mail block.  Is there somewhere in the settings that we can fix that?  Can you direct me to the correct postings on this fix?  Thanks.  Vicki
In reply to Steve Bond

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Vicki Dunnam -
I figured it out. I needed to change the student role to allow quick mail. smile 
In reply to Vicki Dunnam

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Bob West -

I really like the concept of this block!
But, it is not working.
i.e: I cannot add one or more Recipients!
Firebug gives me the following error:

availableList has no properties
blank.gif for(var i=availableList.length-1; i>=0; i--){

in selection.js (line 40)

I've searched the internet and this forum, but could not find the answer.
Currently we're on moodle 1.6+
Is there anyone who can help please?

In reply to Bob West

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi bob I have not specifically tested this on moodle 1.6+, but it seems like your problem might be related to javascript. Could you supply the following information:

1. What web browser you are using, on Windows or Mac (or Linux), have you checked to make sure Javascript is enabled in your Web browser?

2. Have you tried to install moodle 1.8 on your local machine, and try to see if it works?

3. I have also updated the "quickmail for large classes" specifically for moodle 1.9.x (see comments in http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=764). The most recent version fixed the attachment was not working with 1.9 problem. There are still some glitches to be fixed and I will keep everyone updated...

By the way, in the most recent version we still intentionally disabled the group feature. If there is a need I could try to find some time to release a version that would work with groups.

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -

Hey Wen,

Since I see you are on.............
Do you know how to have quickmail populate the list of site admins into all courses e-mail lists as well?
Right now this code in line 76 of email.php:

 //Get list of users enrolled in the course including teachers and students
    if (!$courseusers = get_course_users($course->id, 'lastname')) {
        error('No course users found to email');

This just gives me teachers + students within a course. I need this plus the site admins.  The only way to do it now is to manually add each admin in as a teacher.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.


In reply to Ken Gibson

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Ken Gibson -

Hey Wen (sorry for the bump here, but can't figure this out despite much searching) ,

Can you help me with a quickmail hack.....

I need to have quickmail populate the list of site admins into all course e-quickmail lists.
Right now this code in line 76 of email.php:

 //Get list of users enrolled in the course including teachers and students
    if (!$courseusers = get_course_users($course->id, 'lastname')) {
        error('No course users found to email');

This just gives me teachers + students within a course. I need this plus the site admins.  The only way to do it now is to manually add each admin in as a teacher.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.


In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Bob West -

Thanks for your answer!
I'm on FireFox 2.x on a Mac OSX Leopard.
I've checked all the this you listed above, and I don't doubt that it works on moodle 1.8. But our production server is on 1.6.2+.

The point is: I can edit or rewrite the javascript myself, if necessary, but I thought that I downloaded the 1.6 version.
I will try to make it work and if someone has any idea on how to fix this, your idea is welcome!

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Ang: Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Per Hessellund -
Hello Wen,
It would be fantastic if the block also supported groups - I hope you will have time to get this feature to version 1.9
In reply to Per Hessellund

Re: Ang: Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Markus Knierim -
Hello Wen,

I would also love to see groups support -- which was our main reason for installing the "old" Quickmail block in the first place wink

Thanks for all your effort! approve

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang


by Scott Tearle -
The quickmail for large classes is not packaged correctly. It does not unzip to a folder called quickmail. It unzips all the files into the directory you are in and tries to replace them. Thank god for confirmation messages or I would have overwritten my mod directory files. As it is it made a mess of the directory.

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Tárgy: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Eva Barbara Bodogan -
Dear Wen,

Would it be possible to tweak this latest version of Quickmail a bit so that it would support Groups? We are kind of starving for it in some of our courses. kacsintás

Thank you!

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Shin Hiorie -
Hello all,

somebody can explain why here to me.

i managed to install the quickmail without any problem.
but sending an email to some users and some of them did not receive it was
the problem.

email was delivered successfully to local mail but not for yahoo mail and google mail.
any ideas ???

where can i find a clue on that ??? mailog or something ... i confuse here coz my
moodle webserver do not run any webserver. seems like quickmail using a method
like php send_mail. ( also the others mail future in moodle )

anybodys out there willing to explain i really really appreciate.

In reply to Shin Hiorie

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Agam Nag -
I have a large class and I badly need some functions within Quickmail to search/sort the list of students.
I tried using the external client option but it just helps in composing mails not in user management.
Any idea how to search/sort students?
Thank you,
In reply to Agam Nag

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi Agam, please give the new v2.7 a try. This version support GROUPS. I'm also in the process to reimplement the current javascript-based sorting feature, stay tuned. smile

Email me (whchuang at gmail dot com) if you have trouble to find the latest version (v2.7).

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Matthew Turney -
Could you post the project page or the checkout URL for the repo that Quickmail is in. It's not showing up in the module listings.
In reply to Matthew Turney

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi Matthew, the project page is located at:


Hope this helps!

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Robert Chapman -
This is all I see.

In reply to Robert Chapman

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by John Paul Posada -
Hi all,

I'm also seeing the above error page. I'd really love to test out v2.7. I have a very large class with many groups and instructors who would like to email their student groups separately. Looking forward to testing.

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Andreas Stoeffer -
Hi Wen, I installed Version 2.7.2 from your Website. Everything is fine, but I see no students/users in the recipients list. All I see are the groups I set. The Moodle Version is "1.9.5+ (Build: 20090610)" Do you have an idea what is wrong? Thank's for any suggestion. Andreas
Attachment screenshot_23.jpg
In reply to Andreas Stoeffer

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi Andreas, sorry to reply late. What Web browser you were using when you get this? Could you give me a little bit more details? Thanks!
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Andreas Stoeffer -
Hello Wen,

now sorry for my late answer, but I didn't get the messsage via E-Mail sad

The problem ist solved. Our database admin has not used a prefix for the moodle database tables. I have modified the code smile

One other question. It is not possible to attach files so I deactivate this feature. If I attach files to quickmail I only get a white screen and no emails are sended.
What might be wrong?
Or do you know actually this bug?

Thanks again for an answer

P.S. Is Quickmail a core feature of Moodle 2.0?
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Andreas Stoeffer -
Hi Wen,

back again I have to solve the attachement issue.
I use Version 2.7 (I don't know exactly where it is from). The version we use is much more different from 2.6 in its code.

Our version has other filestructures than 2.6.
We have a send_quickmail.php which is also responsible for sending attachements.

The problem with the white screen results from this code fragment I think:

" if (sizeof($mail_list)<=1 && $mail_list[0]=="") {
$form->error = get_string('toerror', 'block_quickmail');
} else if (!$form->subject) {
$form->error = get_string('subjecterror', 'block_quickmail');
} else if (!$form->message) {
$form->error = get_string('messageerror', 'block_quickmail');
} else {
if (!empty($form->attachment)) {
require_once ($CFG->dirroot . '/files/model/manager.php');
require_once ($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/manager.php');
$maxattachmentsize = $CFG->block_quickmail_max_attach_size;
$modelmanager = files_model_manager::get_instance();

if (!preg_match('@^/[0-9]+(/.*)?@', $form->attachment)) {
$file = $modelmanager->get_model_by_path($form->attachment, 'file', $USER);
} else {
$file = $modelmanager->get_model_by_path($form->attachment, 'file');

if ($file) {
if ($file->contentlength > $maxattachmentsize * 1024 * 1024) {
$form->error = "The file attachment specified ($form->attachment) is larger than the maximum attachment size for Quickmail. File attachments must be smaller than $maxattachmentsize MB.";
} else {
$form->error = get_string('attachmenterror', 'block_quickmail', $form->attachment);
$form->attachment = '';

// process the attachment
$attachment = $attachname = '';

if (has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
if ($file) {
$attachment = substr($file->localpath, strlen($CFG->dataroot) + 1);
$attachname = $file->name;
} else {

$um = new upload_manager('attachment', false, true, $course, false, 0, true);

// process the student posted attachment if it exists
if ($um->process_file_uploads('temp/block_quickmail')) {
// original name gets saved in the database
$form->attachment = $um->get_original_filename();

// check if file is there
if (file_exists($um->get_new_filepath())) {
// get path to the file without $CFG->dataroot
$attachment = 'temp/block_quickmail/'.$um->get_new_filename();

// get the new name (name may change due to filename collisions)
$attachname = $um->get_new_filename();
} else {
$form->error = get_string("attachmenterror", "block_quickmail", $form->attachment);
} else {
$form->attachment = ''; // no attachment
} "

These two lines:
"require_once ($CFG->dirroot . '/files/model/manager.php');
require_once ($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/manager.php');"

require files an folders we don't have in our Moodle source tree.

Do you or others in this discussion thread has any hints to solve this issue or a linlk, where I can get the missing files?

Thanks and all the best
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Jenna Farris -


We are looking at updating our Quickmail Block and I had a question about the new Enhanced Quickmail: 

Does it allow one to add multiple attachments or are you still limited to only attaching one document per email?

Thank you!


In reply to Jenna Farris

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi Jenna, I think at one point we implemented this before, but I might not have updated this in the Moodle CVS/CONTRIB folder. Send me a quick note to remind me and I will see if I could dig it out and send it to you. Thanks!
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Rosa Lago -

Hi Mr Wen

I am trying to install Quickmail 2.6 to my moodle 1.9.10. I expanded the .tgz file in the blocks folder of my moodle installations, then I clicked the Notifications link, but nothing happened. The module was not installed. Then, as the block folder didn't have a version.php file so I copied one from another block installed, and it didn't install. I tried to install it on moodle 1.9.9. and it didn't install either.

Please, advise me  what I should do to install this block?

Thanks in advance.

In reply to Rosa Lago

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Shailesh Humbad -

I found that these settings must contain valid email addresses (valid domain name) in order for emails to go through via SMTP:

Site Administration > Server > Email > Support Email

Site Administration > Server > Email > No-reply address

Otherwise, the result of email sending will say 'successfully sent email,' but not actually send anything.

Also, I found that after you unzip the Quickmail files into the blocks folder, you have to visit your site's main admin page at /admin/index.php to complete the installation. This is actually just one of the basic steps to install any block.

I hope these tips help some people.

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Eduardo Xavier -
I installed the latest version and is working properly. But for my needs I need the module to store files sent as attachment. Maybe you can implement this in the future.
In reply to Eduardo Xavier

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Aris Aj -
Hi Mr Wen

I am the beginner moodle user.I am trying to install Quickmail 2.6 to my moodle 1.9.9 and we get this message "Module "quickmail26" is not readable - check permissions".
Please advise what I should do, to fix this error?


In reply to Aris Aj

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Eric Anderson -
I have the same issue. It seems that the quickmail download is missing the version.php file.

I copied a version.php file from another block, and got past the error, but the block still doesn't show up in the admin interface. Any help is greatly appreciated.
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Peter Evans -

Just wondering if there were any plans to update the Quickmail Block to work with Moodle 2.0? We would really like to upgrade our Moodle site but are also heavy users of the Quickmail feature. Any update is greatly appreciated.

In reply to Peter Evans

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Wen Hao Chuang -

Hi Peter, yes there is a plan to upgrade Quickmail to comply with Moodle 2.0 standards, but I will have to take a deeper look at 2.0 codes first. Plus I could only work on this project using my own weekend non-working hours. So if anyone want to help out please message me or email me. Thanks! smile

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Marc Hermon -

I am the moodle admin at our school. A teacher is using the quickmailSMS block and it works but when the students get the message the FROM: is my e-mail address rather than the teacher's. Any ideas?

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Andres Ortiz -
Hi wen, I downloaded the latest version of QuickMail, but I think something strange happens, the files are duplicates. O_o I tried installing QuickMail in moodle (1.9.8) and I could not, I read the "readme.txt" and the file "config_instance.html" is not in quickmail.zip. Can you help? I'm doing something wrong?
In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Tim Hill -

We have upgraded to 2.0 and really miss the Quickmail functionality. Nothing else seems to properly meet the needs of person-to-person communication with attachments.

Any further news about when it will be available for use with 2.0?


In reply to Tim Hill

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Luciana Marins -

Hello everyone

The institution where work is also moving to Moodle 2.0, and we felt much lack of QuickMail.

Does anyone have any information whether this block will be updated, or know of any tool we can use until we do not have the QuickMail?

Forgive me for some fault, but that is not mastered English very well.

Thank you!

In reply to Tim Hill

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Edwinna Lucyk -

We are migrating to 2.0 this summer and I know teachers will greatly miss Quickmail. I have been watching the issue in the tracker [#CONTRIB-2014] Block: Quickmail - migrate to 2.0 - Moodle Tracker. Although it is listed as a high priority, it hasn't been completed yet.  Does anyone have any idea when it might be finished or who I can contact to find out that information?

In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Tobias Bäumlin -


I upgraded the quickmail block from 2.6 to 2.7.2 (not sure anymore where I found it, since the link to the newest version here still is pointing to quickmail 2.6).

Now it turns out that we aren't able to send emails with attachments with this version. If we try to add an attachment and send the mail the browser (Firefox 3.6) displays a blank page (".../blocks/quickmail/send_quickmail.php") and  the mail isn't sent out.





In reply to Tobias Bäumlin

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Laura Icart -

I've translated it into catalan (utf8), I don't know which is the way to make this contribution. I apologise for any trouble or mistake I could create...

Please take it for your convenience.

Best regards,


In reply to Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Enhanced quickmail block for larger classes

by Александр Г -

Hi, Wen Hao Chuang.

We are interesting of your plugin for Moodle 1.9.x.

Where i can download „quickmail26.zip“?

Best regards, alex.