Increasing the size for maximum file upload

Increasing the size for maximum file upload

scott waldman發表於
Number of replies: 0
I hope I'm in the correct forum. My php.ini configuration file for my host has the following default values.


This makes my maximum upload size 8MB.

This is what the host recomends I do to change the value of php.ini.

Filename: php.ini

upload_max_filesize = 10M
post_max_size = 10M

You will not use a full php.ini file to make changes to PHP directives. The file should only contain
the directives to be changed, as in the example above. You will need a php.ini file in every directory
for which you want the changes to apply.

Basically it says to create a php.ini file with the following line of code:
post_max_size = 10M

to increase my file upload limits. the host recomends to place this file in every dierctory. Is there one directory in moodle I can add this file to or do I need to place it in every folder to have the changes take place?
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