Blackboard 6.3 to Moodle 1.7+ importing

Re: Blackboard 6.3 to Moodle 1.7+ importing

von A. T. Wyatt -
Anzahl Antworten: 0
Greetings, Adam!

I am not going to try to advise you, but would mention one small thing. When I was exporting BB7.0 courses and importing into Moodle 1.5, it seemed to me that the hexadecimal file name problem you mentioned only happened when the file name had a space in it. I think the others were okay.

I would also tell you to be careful and do the conversions somewhere besides your production server. There was some problem with the BB import and our instance of Moodle 1.6.0 back in August. I blew up the instance with a BB7 import and had to rollback the database from a backup. Much gnashing of teeth!! And we lost one person's work between the backup and the rollback. Ever after I took care to work my BB conversions on a local install.

Hopefully this will not happen to you, and some of our problems could have been caused by our server setup. I am not knowledgeable about that! But I would rather be safe than sorry. Experiment a bit to see what happens on your system.

ps--you did a masterful job summing up of the issues, I thought!