back-up woes

back-up woes

ved Thomas Bray -
Antal besvarelser: 13
Here's the error when attempting the back-up on 1.7 I have about 50 users. Any thoughts?


  • Creating temporary structures
  • Deleting old data
  • Creating XML file
    • Writing header
    • Writing general info
    • Writing course data
      • Course info
      An error occurred while backing up course start

    • Blocks
    • Sections
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I svar til Thomas Bray

Re: back-up woes

ved John Hendron -

I'm having a similar issue.

I first saw it when trying to restore a course from Moodle 1.5 to 1.6.

I get the same error when trying to backup a new course in Moodle 1.6

- Creating temporary structures
- Deleting old data

"An error occurred deleting old backup data."

It stops after the second bullet.

Seems like it's a permissions issue, but the 'www' user has control over the moodledata.

Any ideas, Moodlers?

If it matters, I'm on Mac OS X 10.4.9 Intel Server
PHP 4.4.4, MySQL 5
I svar til John Hendron

Re: back-up woes

ved Cathy Maher -
Hi John,

I have the same problem backing up courses in 1.6 to move to the new server with 1.7. Some smaller courses did back-up, some did not - there is not one common denominator I have found yet. We even increased php values.

I even tried a suggestion not to carry over users, userfiles, or logs which was one suggestion - that did not work either.

If you come across any ideas, please let me know - If I find anything else that works I will let you know.

Cathy Maher
Powhatan County Public Schools
I svar til Thomas Bray

Re: back-up woes

ved Michael Thompson Isaac -

I'm facing this exact issue, as well.

Any updates?


I svar til Michael Thompson Isaac

Re: back-up woes

ved Michael McDermott -

I had this problem when transferring 2 courses from 1.45 to 1.6. I also had the problem when transferring across from one Moodle server on 1.61 to 1.61+.

When I removed the book module from the transfer across from one 1.6 to the other, it solved the problem.

With the other one, I backed up just the structure. copied the course files across and relinked them. Not a great solution, but it worked.

Hope it gets sorted.

Mike McDermott

I svar til Michael McDermott

Re: back-up woes

ved Michael Thompson Isaac -

I've not found any backup option that allows the backup to finish. I'm not transferring classes between versions, either. Just backing up for disaster recovery's sake. I sure would like to create a course template or two, as well.

In addition, all file permission permutations that I've tried lead to the same, sad result!

This issue, unfortunately, is making Moodle somewhat unusuable for me, as backups are a critical stop on my train to CMS joy.

Any other ideas? TIA.


I svar til Michael Thompson Isaac

Re: back-up woes

ved Megan Pfister -

Our site is experiencing the same issues.


We've tried running mysql admin, rebooting the servers, defraging.. We're at a loss and unable to accomplish much right now. Any ideas that might not have been posted earlier that have worked for anybody else?

I svar til Thomas Bray


ved Juan M Torres -

Hello All

So I was having this same problem whit our old moodle site, I want to back up some of the courses and restore them in the newest version of moodle.

It was very frustrating to try different solutions and nothing worked for me until I did the following:

Look within the MOODLE_ROOT/moodledata/ directory and change all the subdirectories (and all the “sub-sub directories” ) permissions to 777 (running apache on a mac server). For some reason most of the folders where 757; once I changed them, the backup ran smoothly and without any problems.

Hope this helps


I svar til Juan M Torres


ved Paolo Oprandi -
By the way, we were given the following error when backing up with maintenance mode on:

An error occurred while backing up course start moodle
I svar til Paolo Oprandi


ved Paolo Oprandi -
Actually "maintenance mode" was irrelevant. The problem was caused because the moodledata/temp/backup directory had been moved off the clustered file system and was inaccessible from one of our Moodle hosts.
I svar til Thomas Bray

Re: back-up woes

ved Helen Whitehead -
Thanks for all these ideas.

None of them work for me.

Has anyone come up with anymore solutions?