Licenses Module - Creative Commons etc.

Re: Licenses Module - Creative Commons etc.

sam marshall -
Vastausten määrä: 0
Kuva: Core developers Kuva: Peer reviewers Kuva: Plugin developers
Oh, so you were arguing against putting more DRM in moodle (in addition to the Paypal plugin) because it's too complex, rather than for any philosophical reasons? In that case I agree entirely. hymy

And that includes support for licenses in modules (like mod/quiz) for which the content is never going to be held by a DMS.

...(ominous music)...OR IS IT!!!?!!??! hymy Seriously, I certainly think OU plans may eventually include at least the capacity of publishing content out into Moodle modules, such as quiz, from our ECM system (we already do this - sans proper ECM system - for simple content on OpenLearn), and there was a debate about whether all content should be held that way all the time (my opinion: no, not if we're using Moodle). That's irrelevant to this discussion though because we could easily publish out metadata too, if we wanted.

I think what I was trying to get at was that integrating rights information (and other metadata) from external systems is probably a more important first step than introducing another way to do something separately in Moodle, or at least should be kept in mind in the design of any such system, particularly in areas where it is with regard to external files (mod/resource). I.e. it might be better to wait until the repository issue is a bit more resolved before starting on this.
