ULPGCassignment: multiple files & group assignment

Re: ULPGCassignment: multiple files & group assignment

David Turpie tomonidan -
Number of replies: 0

ok heres where i am so far, hope someone can help.

i finally got all the issues sorted on the server / moodle site.

since my last installation didnt work, i tried to delete the assignment from the modules admin page, i then completely removed it from the server via ftp. i cam to reinstall it and the tables cant be set up because they already exist. hmm.

2nd problem, i updated to v 1.8.2 on a backup site i have, tried to install the assignment there -this time no problem. untill i try to use it, i can set it up but then as soon as i go to use it i get the following error message:

This SQL relies on obsolete tables! Your code must be fixed by a developer

any ideas if the code is ever going to be updated for v1.8.2?

cheers lots
