Audio based lectures - Logging

Audio based lectures - Logging

Graeme Nunn發表於
Number of replies: 5

I have been using moodle for a couple of years and this is the first time I have had to post a question so please be nice 微笑 ! If posting in another forum would be better then please suggest one!

I have had a reasonable look over the forums and don't know where to start with this problem.

I have a set of courses which contain audio "lectures" (these can be either mp3 or real) and there are 8 or so courses running in parallel. I need to be able to monitor whether students have listened to their lectures. I can see if they have accessed the lecture through the logs but is there any way of logging which students have listened to their allocated lectures without having to painfully trawl through the logs?

Thanks in advance
Graeme Nunn

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In reply to Graeme Nunn

Re: Audio based lectures - Logging

Art Lader發表於

Hello Graeme,

At the top of each resource, you should see a log icon. It will give you information about that resource only. I think that's what you are asking about.

Hope that helps,

附件 log_icon.gif
In reply to Art Lader

Re: Audio based lectures - Logging

Bill White發表於

Thanks for pointing out that. I can't believe I have never used it before. I had always poured through the logs. What a great time saver.

In reply to Art Lader

Re: Audio based lectures - Logging

Graeme Nunn發表於
Hi Art,

Thanks for your swift response.
I am using moodle 1.6+ 2006050506 and using topic view for each course...
I think I am being dumb but I cannot find where the "log" button is, which "screen" are you looking at to get the "jump to" drop down box?

For your info I am using resources which appear in their own window (webpage resources)

In reply to Graeme Nunn

Re: Audio based lectures - Logging

Art Lader發表於
Hi, Graeme,

I think you'll find it on the screen where there is a link that says something like, "If you pop-up window did not pop up, click this link."

If that is not correct, we will run it down for you!

-- Art