Will Moodle work for me given these requirements...

Will Moodle work for me given these requirements...

by Darren Handler -
Number of replies: 2
I think, from what I have seen so far, that Moodle will fit my needs in my company for employee assessments and training.  I already have it running and got the LDAP working for login, so I think I have gotten past the more common stumbling blocks. 

Here is what I need Moodle to do for me....

I want to automatically load the system with my active employees and automatically enroll them in certain training classes and/or take certain tests.

I need to be able to report on who has not yet completed the above required classes and/or tests.

We would also like to be able to send e-mail reminders to those who have not yet taken the course/test.  This sounds like easy programming, so I am not that worried about this one.

Currently we are using Perception for the assessments, but each time we setup another "required for all" assessment, I need to write additional SQL to auto load my employees and report on who hasn't taken the tests.  I am hoping that Moodle might be able to do this better.  Can it?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
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In reply to Darren Handler

Re: Will Moodle work for me given these requirements...

by Jason Hando -
Hi Darren,

I'll try and answer your questions for you as best I can:

  1. Read the Upload Users documentation, it explains how to add users via a text file and includes ways to add to courses and even groups. Not sure what you mean by "and/or take tests"??
  2. Individual reports showing what users have done are accessed via the Participants List, left hand side of course usually, click on Activity button. The gradebook shows activities that have been graded, such as quizes and assignments, in a table which may be suitable for your needs.
  3. Sounds like you may need to customise Moodle to be able to automatically check the completion of a task and send an email. this may be a block that can be written in php, where teacher selects the activities and the benchmarks (event) and then the action to perform. You could always approach a Moodle Partner for a quote on such a modification, I am unaware of the Roadmap having a similar feature on it??

In reply to Darren Handler

Re: Will Moodle work for me given these requirements...

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -
iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa}
> I want to automatically load the system with my active employees and automatically enroll them in certain training classes and/or take certain tests.

Automagically from your LDAP-Server I suppose?

That is something for the "User Authentication" forum http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?f=25

Also check LDAP Authentication HowTo http://docs.moodle.org/en/LDAP_authentication and LDAP Enrollment HowTo http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=31761