Help with design needed... please!

Help with design needed... please!

John Hare -
Atsakymų skaičius: 2
I have just started uploading resources onto my moodle site ready for an A level course starting in September and am really pleased and quite excited about the whole thing. However, I am a complete novice at this sort of thing and would really like to add some colour and nice design elements and learn how to have a google search thing or wikipedia window on my site. I dont 'do' html, dont understand css and would just like some simple steps to make my site a little more colourful! Apparently I am an administrator but I dont know if that gives me the privileges to do this. Thank you in advance
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Atsakymas į John Hare

Re: Help with design needed... please!

Brett Potyondi -
I am in the same boat as John.  I am creating a Moodle site to be added to my organization's webpage at a University.  I want to add our logo and use the same colors but I have absolutely no experience using html or css.  Everyone's instructions sound great until I try them out and then I get completely confused.  If somebody could provide both John and I some REALLY simple step by step instructions that would be wonderful!
Atsakymas į John Hare

Re: Help with design needed... please!

Scott Elliott -
The following resources have been useful to me:

You can pattern your theme on some of the themes already developed.  Just look in the theme folder of your moodle installation.  You don't need to be a css expert, but you do need to know what different visual elements of Moodle are associated with css classes / ids.  It also helps to have a way to map colors to their hex numbers.

If you want some specific help, please email me so we can go into more detail.
