Gradebook overflow my CSS fix

Gradebook overflow my CSS fix

von Deon Metelski -
Anzahl Antworten: 0
Hello moodlers,

Don't mean to cross post but I thought the beginning part of this post I just put in the gradebook forum belonged here in case anyone feels it useful.

I have been playing around with the gradebook trying to think of a way as to not have the screen scroll horizontally 'til infinty (well maybe not that far) smile.
As you can see the picture below I have wrapped the gradeview function in grade/lib.php in a div that I have set overflow-X  as auto and overflow-Y as visible. I know these functions seemed to have been proprietary but adopted by the current version of Mozilla and IE of course. Haven't tried it with older browsers but the schools are updated here. That seemed to work for the overflow problem.

I then set the class #grade-index .fullname_highlight a (I added the underscore between fullname and highlight) to position absolute so as you can see the names stay on the left and the content scrolls horizontally behind it. I then elimninated the names on the right side of the grades.

Now to the coding help I need. The ability to show ID and group with the name is the issue. When I add anything else to what is visible it shows as not part of the link but as plain text and of course then scrolls behind the current .studentlink and also seems to cause the link to rise so it is more inline with the grade rows. Is there anyway to add the visible items to show after and be included as part of the same link. So in the shot below if I add ID to the names they will show after the name and also be part of the hyperlink to the individual student?


If anybody needs more info on how I did this let me know. It isn't perfect yet but at least it is done pretty much all in CSS.

Thank for any help,